FORECASTS ABOUT VARIABLE STARS ============================== G.Bono, J.Cuypers, L.Eyer The previous approaches to estimating the number of variable stars were based merely on the extension of observational data, in various ways (cf. Eyer & Cuypers 2000, ASPCS, 203, 71). Giuseppe Bono made an oral presentation about the forecasts of the number of variable stars based on a theoretical approach. He investigated the instability strip and considered three populations thin disk, thick disk and halo. The work is in progress and there will soon be some numbers. As already noted, there are discrepant results on eclipsing binaries. The origin of these discrepancies should be investigated, we are waiting for the publication of Staffan Soederhjelm's work. The Galactic model of Besancon will permit us to check this. However we could use it the other way around: the previous estimates will permit the validation of the Besancon Galactic Model! Apparently, except the work of Giuseppe and Staffan, there are no other studies in progress on the variable stars forecasts. Laurent, Dafydd and Jan The 19th of October 2004