TOOLS ===== People most concerned: V. Belokurov, J.Cuypers, L. Eyer, F.Mignard, D.Pourbaix On the webpage: under "Tools" (see left frame), you may find a list of algorithms. For some algorithms, you have the program online (either on a link or a file) in different languages. Vasily Belokurov suggested to add links to IDL codes for the PDM, Horne and Baliunas (1986) and the NFFT method. If you have any programs that you can share, please send them to Laurent ( We will have then a global picture of programs and techniques usually used in unevenly sampled time series analysis. As an example, Francesco Kienzle was kind enough to provide a program on wavelets (his adaptation of the program of Grant Foster 1996). We remark there are many programs available for period search (to lesser degree on time-scales). As pointed out by Francois Mignard, there is no method which is clearly surpassing the others. So some comparisons have to be made. Jan Cuypers did such a comparison in the past, but we should organize benchmarks between programs. If you are interested in these comparison, please write to me ( Then we could organize some tests on simulated Gaia data. For the moment what will be implemented in GDAAS, as agreed in the Paris meeting, is the Lomb-Scargle method. Other subject: ------------- We also put on this Tool page a link to Vasily's work on Self-Organizing Maps. Other commitments: ----------------- Francois Mignard said that he will send to Laurent his algorithm "FAMOUS" in order that Laurent can put it online on the Tools webpage. Best Regards, Laurent & Dafydd The 16th of Oct 2004