Welcome to the HARPS Home Page

Science with HARPS

Scientific motivations for HARPS
The improvement in the precision of radial-velocity measurements from 5-10m/s down to 1m/s will largely contribute to remove biases in the detection of extra-solar planets. As the amplitude of the radial-velocity variations scales with the mass of the planetary companion, a 1m/s precision will allow the detection of very light "giant" planets (a few tenths of Saturn, although terrestrial planets will stay beyond reach). This is especially important in the case of planetary systems for which the influences of several companions add up blurring the observed signal for instruments with inadequate resolution.
Scientific Proposal

[ Planet Group | Geneva Observatory | University of Geneva | ESO]

Last changed: Tuesday, 18-Dec-2001 18:21:29 CET
Danuta Sosnowska - Copyright ©