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Catalogues of interest

The VIIth catalogue of galactic Wolf-Rayet stars
K. A. van der Hucht (2001)
New Astronomy Reviews 45: 135-232

New galactic Wolf-Rayet stars, and candidates.
An annex to the VIIth catalogue of galactic Wolf-Rayet stars
K. A. van der Hucht (2006)
A&A 458: 453-459

Models for Wolf-Rayet and O-Star Populations in Young Starburst
Schaerer & Vacca (1998)
ApJ 497: 618-644 / Database

Geneva grids of stellar evolution models
Geneva group
Extended grids without rotation (1992-1998)
Models with rotation (1997-2005)
Models with rotation and magnetic fields (2003-2005)

Geneva stellar evolution tracks and isochrones
for (UBV)J, (RI)C JHKLL’M, HST-WFPC2, Geneva and Washington photometric systems
Lejeune & Schaerer (2001)
A&A 366: 538-546 / Database

Photoionization models for evolving starburst
Stazinska, Schaerer & Leitherer (2001)
A&A 370: 1-22 / Database

Photoionization models for single HII regions using CoStar fluxes
Stasinska & Schaerer (1997)
A&A 322:615-623/ Database

Synthesis models for Galaxies with Active Star Formation
Leitherer & al. (1999)
ApJS 123: 3-40 / Database

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