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Present PhD topics

Hakim AtekObsGE+
Nearby starburst galaxiesOct. 2006
Carla Baldovin SaavedraISDC+
Multi-wavelength observations of young starsMar. 2007
Séverine BerneyObsGEThe formation of massive starsJuly 2007
Sylvia EkströmObsGEThe first generation of stars in the UniverseSep. 2004
Tobias FischerUniBasMicrophysical interactions and stellar core collapse??
Urs FrischknechtUniBasStellar Evolution and the s-process??
Cyril GeorgyObsGEThe progenitors of Gamma Ray BurstsOct. 2006
Adrian GlauserETHZ/PSICircumstellar disks + MIRI on JWSTDec. 2003
Marlon HorrasUniBasNeutino flavor oscillations and supernovae??
Roger KäppeliUniBas3D Hydrodynamics with adaptive mesh for Supernova models??
Simon ScheideggerUniBasGravitational waves from core collapse supernovae??
Anne VerhammeObsGE3D Lyman-alpha radiation transfer and applications to starburst galaxiesNov. 2003
Christian WintelerUniBasSynthesis of the heaviest elements in astrophysical scenarios??

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