Installing FFTW 2ΒΆ

A fix has been published on github, but for some reason not yet merged into the master. Anyhow, look at the file in $SPACK_ROOT/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/fftw/ and use this one instead, which is also posted below:

# Copyright 2013-2019 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
# Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)

from spack import *

import llnl.util.lang
# os is used for rename, etc in patch()
import os

class Fftw(AutotoolsPackage):
    """FFTW is a C subroutine library for computing the discrete Fourier
       transform (DFT) in one or more dimensions, of arbitrary input
       size, and of both real and complex data (as well as of even/odd
       data, i.e. the discrete cosine/sine transforms or DCT/DST). We
       believe that FFTW, which is free software, should become the FFT
       library of choice for most applications."""

    homepage = ""
    url      = ""
    list_url = ""

    version('3.3.8', '8aac833c943d8e90d51b697b27d4384d')
    version('3.3.7', '0d5915d7d39b3253c1cc05030d79ac47')
    version('3.3.6-pl2', '927e481edbb32575397eb3d62535a856')
    version('3.3.5', '6cc08a3b9c7ee06fdd5b9eb02e06f569')
    version('3.3.4', '2edab8c06b24feeb3b82bbb3ebf3e7b3')
    version('2.1.5', '8d16a84f3ca02a785ef9eb36249ba433')

    patch('pfft-3.3.5.patch', when="@3.3.5:+pfft_patches", level=0)
    patch('pfft-3.3.4.patch', when="@3.3.4+pfft_patches", level=0)
    patch('pgi-3.3.6-pl2.patch', when="@3.3.6-pl2%pgi", level=0)

        'float', default=True,
        description='Produces a single precision version of the library')
        'double', default=True,
        description='Produces a double precision version of the library')
        'long_double', default=True,
        description='Produces a long double precision version of the library')
        'quad', default=False,
        description='Produces a quad precision version of the library '
                    '(works only with GCC and libquadmath)')
    variant('openmp', default=False, description="Enable OpenMP support.")
    variant('mpi', default=True, description='Activate MPI support')
        'pfft_patches', default=False,
        description='Add extra transpose functions for PFFT compatibility')

            'sse', 'sse2', 'avx', 'avx2', 'avx512',  # Intel
            'avx-128-fma', 'kcvi',  # Intel
            'altivec', 'vsx',  # IBM
            'neon',  # ARM
            'generic-simd128', 'generic-simd256'  # Generic
        description='Optimizations that are enabled in this build',
    variant('fma', default=False, description='Activate support for fma')

    depends_on('mpi', when='+mpi')
    depends_on('automake', type='build', when='+pfft_patches')
    depends_on('autoconf', type='build', when='+pfft_patches')
    depends_on('libtool', type='build', when='+pfft_patches')
    conflicts('%gcc@8:8.9999', when="@3.3.7")

    provides('fftw-api@2', when='@2.1.5')
    provides('fftw-api@3', when='@3:')

    def libs(self):

        # Reduce repetitions of entries
        query_parameters = list(llnl.util.lang.dedupe(

        # List of all the suffixes associated with float precisions
        precisions = [
            ('float', 'f'),
            ('double', ''),
            ('long_double', 'l'),
            ('quad', 'q')

        # Retrieve the correct suffixes, or use double as a default
        suffixes = [v for k, v in precisions if k in query_parameters] or ['']

        # Construct the list of libraries that needs to be found
        libraries = []
        for sfx in suffixes:
            if 'mpi' in query_parameters and '+mpi' in self.spec:
                libraries.append('libfftw3' + sfx + '_mpi')

            if 'openmp' in query_parameters and '+openmp' in self.spec:
                libraries.append('libfftw3' + sfx + '_omp')

            libraries.append('libfftw3' + sfx)

        return find_libraries(libraries, root=self.prefix, recursive=True)

    def patch(self):
        # If fftw/config.h exists in the source tree, it will take precedence
        # over the copy in build dir.  As only the latter has proper config
        # for our build, this is a problem.  See e.g. issue #7372 on github
        if os.path.isfile('fftw/config.h'):
            os.rename('fftw/config.h', 'fftw/config.h.SPACK_RENAMED')

    def autoreconf(self, spec, prefix):
        if '+pfft_patches' in spec:
            autoreconf = which('autoreconf')

    def configure(self, spec, prefix):
        # Base options
        options = [
        if not self.compiler.f77 or not self.compiler.fc:
        if spec.satisfies('@:2'):

        # Variants that affect every precision
        if '+openmp' in spec:
            # Note: Apple's Clang does not support OpenMP.
            if spec.satisfies('%clang'):
                ver = str(self.compiler.version)
                if ver.endswith('-apple'):
                    raise InstallError("Apple's clang does not support OpenMP")
            if spec.satisfies('@:2'):
                # TODO: libtool strips CFLAGS, so 2.x libxfftw_threads
                #       isn't linked to the openmp library. Patch Makefile?
                options.insert(0, 'CFLAGS=' + self.compiler.openmp_flag)
        if '+mpi' in spec:

        # SIMD support
        float_options, double_options = [], []
        if spec.satisfies('@3:', strict=True):
            for opts in (float_options, double_options):
                opts += self.enable_or_disable('simd')
                opts += self.enable_or_disable('fma')

        configure = Executable('../configure')

        # Build double/float/long double/quad variants
        if '+double' in spec:
            with working_dir('double', create=True):
                configure(*(options + double_options))
        if '+float' in spec:
            with working_dir('float', create=True):
                configure('--enable-float', *(options + float_options))
        if spec.satisfies('@3:+long_double'):
            with working_dir('long-double', create=True):
                configure('--enable-long-double', *options)
        if spec.satisfies('@3:+quad'):
            with working_dir('quad', create=True):
                configure('--enable-quad-precision', *options)

    def build(self, spec, prefix):
        if '+double' in spec:
            with working_dir('double'):
        if '+float' in spec:
            with working_dir('float'):
        if spec.satisfies('@3:+long_double'):
            with working_dir('long-double'):
        if spec.satisfies('@3:+quad'):
            with working_dir('quad'):

    def check(self):
        spec = self.spec
        if '+double' in spec:
            with working_dir('double'):
        if '+float' in spec:
            with working_dir('float'):
        if spec.satisfies('@3:+long_double'):
            with working_dir('long-double'):
        if spec.satisfies('@3:+quad'):
            with working_dir('quad'):

    def install(self, spec, prefix):
        if '+double' in spec:
            with working_dir('double'):
        if '+float' in spec:
            with working_dir('float'):
        if spec.satisfies('@3:+long_double'):
            with working_dir('long-double'):
        if spec.satisfies('@3:+quad'):
            with working_dir('quad'):

Page last edited 2019-10-22