Creating SWIFT Initial Condition files from MUSIC Gadget outputs

Suppose you want to create cosmological IC files for SWIFT using MUSIC. First thing you need is a configuration file for MUSIC, e.g. IC_gadget.conf

# FILE IC_gadget.conf

boxlength       = 10
zstart          = 10
levelmin        = 4
levelmin_TF     = 4
levelmax        = 4
padding         = 4
overlap         = 4
ref_center      = 0.5, 0.5, 0.5
ref_extent      = 0.2, 0.2, 0.2
align_top       = no
baryons         = yes
use_2LPT        = yes
use_LLA         = no
periodic_TF     = yes

Omega_m         = 0.276
Omega_L         = 0.724
w0              = -1.0
wa              = 0.0
Omega_b         = 0.045
H0              = 70.3
sigma_8         = 0.811
nspec           = 0.961
transfer        = eisenstein

seed[7]         = 12345
seed[8]         = 23456
seed[9]         = 34567
seed[10]        = 45678
seed[11]        = 56789
seed[12]        = 67890

##generic MUSIC data format (used for testing)
##requires HDF5 installation and HDF5 enabled in Makefile
#format         = generic
#filename       = debug.hdf5

##ENZO - also outputs the settings for the parameter file
##requires HDF5 installation and HDF5 enabled in Makefile
#format         = enzo
#filename       = ic.enzo

##Gadget-2 (type=1: high-res particles, type=5: rest)
format          = gadget2
filename        = minimal_cosmo.dat

##Grafic2 compatible format for use with RAMSES
##option 'ramses_nml'=yes writes out a startup nml file
#format         = grafic2
#filename       = ics_ramses
#ramses_nml     = yes

##TIPSY compatible with PKDgrav and Gasoline
#format         = tipsy
#filename       = ics_tipsy.dat

## NYX compatible output format
##requires boxlib installation and boxlib enabled in Makefile
#format         = nyx
#filename       = init

fft_fine        = yes
accuracy        = 1e-5
pre_smooth      = 3
post_smooth     = 3
smoother        = gs
laplace_order   = 6
grad_order      = 6

for detailed instructions, look at the MUSIC documentation.

This should produce a gadget-2 type IC file called minimal_cosmo.dat.

Next, we need to convert minimal_cosmo.dat to a SWIFT IC file. This happens in two steps:

  • first you need to store the initial conditions in the format that SWIFT uses.

  • Secondly, some adjustments are necessary. E.g. the particle types are not the same in gadget and SWIFT, and SWIFT needs some extra flags and initial smoothing lengths for particles.

Using pNbody, this can be done with a simple script like the one below.


  • It might be necessary to check the units that are in use. The SWIFT IC file contains units as well, which will be preferred to the ones in the parameter file. pNbody however only assumes default gadget units, while MUSIC doesn’t. The default MUSIC units are:

UnitLength_in_cm          3.08568025e24 ; 1.0 Mpc

UnitMass_in_g             1.989e43      ; 1.0e10 solar masses

UnitVelocity_in_cm_per_s  1e5           ; 1 km/sec

while pNbody assumes:

UnitLength_in_cm          3.08568025e21 ; 1.0 kpc

UnitMass_in_g             1.989e43      ; 1.0e10 solar masses

UnitVelocity_in_cm_per_s  1e5           ; 1 km/sec

this can be for example avoided by using the gadget_usekpc = yes parameter in the MUSIC config file.

  • You also might need to type in the boxsize yourself.


This script converts a gadget2 (non-hdf5) type initial condition file
(e.g. made with MUSIC) to a swift type IC file.
Needs pNbody to be installed.

Usage: gadget-IC.dat [outputfilename_swift.dat]

    outputfilename_swift.dat is optional. If you don't
    specify it, the script will create a file called

from pNbody import *
from h5py import File
from sys import argv
import numpy as np
from os import path

# number of particle type
N_type = 6
debug = True

def get_filenames():
    Gets filename(s) from cmdline args.
    Inputfile must be specified as arg1, outputfile is optional
    and will be generated if not provided.

        file_in = argv[1]
    except IndexError:

        file_out = argv[2]
    except IndexError:
        # If no second file was given, generate file_out filename
        # assume suffix is after last period in filename
        cut = 0
        append = '-SWIFT.hdf5'
        for i in range(len(file_in)):
            if file_in[-i-1] == '.':
                cut = len(file_in)-i-1
        if cut > 0:
            file_out = file_in[:cut]+append
            file_out = file_in+append

    return file_in, file_out

def fix_particle_types(file_out):
    Change particle types in order to match the implemented types.
    Changes the particle types in the hdf5 file itself and overwrites

    def groupName(part_type):
        return "PartType%i" % part_type

    def changeType(f, old, new):
        Change particle types in the file f.

        # check if directory exists
        old_group = groupName(old)

        if old_group not in f:
            while True:
                ans = input("Changing particle types - cannot find group '%s' ; Should I continue? [y/n] " % old)
                if ans=='y' or ans == 'Y':
                elif ans == 'n' or ans == 'N':
                    raise IOError("Cannot find group '%s'" % old)

        old = f[old_group]

        new_group = groupName(new)

        if new_group not in f:

        new = f[new_group]

        for name in old:
            if debug:
                print("Moving '%s' from '%s' to '%s'"
                      % (name, old_group, new_group))

            tmp = old[name][:]
            del old[name]
            if name in new:
                new_tmp = new[name][:]
                if debug:
                    print("Found previous data:", tmp.shape, new_tmp.shape)
                tmp = np.append(tmp, new_tmp, axis=0)
                del new[name]

            if debug:
                print("With new shape:", tmp.shape)

            new.create_dataset(name, tmp.shape)
            new[name][:] = tmp

        del f[old_group]

    def countPart(f):
        Count particles again.

        npart = []

        for i in range(N_type):
            name = groupName(i)
            if name in f:
                grp = f[groupName(i)]
                N = grp["Masses"].shape[0]
                N = 0


        f["Header"].attrs["NumPart_ThisFile"] = npart
        f["Header"].attrs["NumPart_Total"] = npart
        f["Header"].attrs["NumPart_Total_HighWord"] = [0]*N_type


    f = File(file_out)

    changeType(f, 2, 1)
    changeType(f, 3, 1)
    changeType(f, 4, 1)
    changeType(f, 5, 1)

    # Re-count particles properly

    print("Finished changing SWIFT-type file appropriately for use.")


def convert_gadget_to_swift(file_in, file_out):
    Converts a non-hdf5 type gadget2 IC file to the SWIFT
    (it should also work with hdf5-type gadget files,
    pNbody should figure out the initial file type by itself)

    nb = Nbody(file_in, ftype="gadget")

    # change ftype
    nb = nb.set_ftype("swift")

    # Set units if necessary

    # wont work this way. Do unit setting manually.
    #  nb.set_local_system_of_units(UnitLength_in_cm=1,UnitVelocity_in_cm_per_s=1,UnitMass_in_g=1)

    units = ["UnitLength_in_cm", "UnitVelocity_in_cm_per_s", "UnitMass_in_g"]
    unitd = nb.unitsparameters.get_dic()
    print("This script assumes gadget default units, which are:")
    for u in units:
        print("{0:30}{1:12.4E}".format(u, unitd[u]))

    while True:
        ans = input("Do you wish to change them manually? [y/n] ")
        if ans=='y' or ans == 'Y':
            i = 0
            while i<len(units):
                u = units[i]
                inp = input("Enter a value for "+u+": [leave empty to keep] ")
                    val = float(inp)
                except ValueError:
                    if (inp==""):
                        print("Didn't understand input. Try again.")
                nb.unitsparameters.set(u, val)
            print("Units are now:")
            for u in units:
                unitd = nb.unitsparameters.get_dic()
                print("{0:30}{1:12.4E}".format(u, unitd[u]))

        elif ans == 'n' or ans == 'N':

    # set default parameters
    boxsizeguess =  1.2 * (nb.pos.max() - nb.pos.min())

    print("This script made a guess for the boxsize, which is ", boxsizeguess)

    while True:
        ans = input("Do you wish to change them manually? [y/n] ")
        if ans=='y' or ans == 'Y':
            inp = input("Enter a value for the boxsize: ")
                val = float(inp)
            except ValueError:
                print("Didn't understand input. Try again.")
            nb.boxsize = val

        elif ans == 'n' or ans == 'N':
            nb.boxsize = boxsizeguess

    nb.periodic = 0
    nb.flag_entropy_ics = 0

    # compute smoothing length
    hsml = nb.get_rsp_approximation()
    nb.rsp = hsml

    # write new file

    print("Written SWIFT-type file ", file_out)


if __name__ == "__main__":

    file_in, file_out = get_filenames()
    convert_gadget_to_swift(file_in, file_out)
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