Handling isochrones : the Isochrones module

The Isochrones module provide tools to handle isochrones libraries and turn them into stellar fluxes or stellar magnitudes in different filters.

Currently Isochrones uses isochrones from the MIST from the CMD projects and BastI isochrones.

MIST isochrones

MIST isochrones come as a set of files in a directory. Isochrones can be displayed with the isochrones_plot command (see Isochrones Scripts for mode details), for example:

isochrones_plot -d MIST_v1.2_vvcrit0.0_UBVRIplus --Age 13000 --x log_Teff  --y 'log_L' --invertx

where MIST_v1.2_vvcrit0.0_UBVRIplus is a MIST directory.

The list of keys stored in the database can be obtained from the --info option:

isochrones_plot -d MIST_v1.2_vvcrit0.0_UBVRIplus --info

BastI isochrones

BastI isochrones come as a set of files in a directory. Isochrones can be displayed with the isochrones_plot command (see Isochrones Scripts for mode details), for example:

isochrones_plot -d P04O1D1E1Y247 --Age 13000 --x G_BP-G_RP --y G --inverty --xmin -1 --xmax 3 --ymin -5 --ymax 13 --MH -2

where P04O1D1E1Y247 is a BastI directory. The list of available BastI isochrones:

BastI isochrones





Scaled solar models & transformations



Alpha-enhanced=+0.4 models & transformations



Alpha-enhanced=+0.4 models & transformations



Alpha-enhanced=+0.4 models & transformations



Alpha-enhanced=+0.4 models & transformations


CMD isochrones

CMD isochrones are stored in one single file. Isochrones can be displayed with the isochrones_plot command (see Isochrones Scripts for mode details), by directly pointing towards the CMD file, for example:

isochrones_plot -f CMD_Euclid.dat --Age 13000 --x Bluemag-Redmag  --y VISmag --inverty

Retrieving info from the Isochrones database

Computing magnitudes

The following lines provides an example how to get

from pNbody import Isochrones

# load the database
DB = Isochrones.Isochrones(dirname="P04O1D1E1Y247")

# get the keys
keys = DB.getKeys().keys()

# check that one specific key exists

# define an age (in Myr)
age = 13000

# define a metallicity (log10(M/H))
mh = -2

# define a star mass (in solar mass)
mass = 0.65

# get the maximal stellar mass (in solar mass) for a given age and metallicity

# get the corresponding magnitude in a given filter

Generate a SSP magnitude grid

As it allows to retrieve a magnitude for a given stellar mass, a given age and a given metalliity, the Isochrones module can be use to create magnitudes lookup tables for a given single stellar population, i.e., a given age an metallicity, assuming some IMF. Such table is created with the isochrones_generate_magnitudes_grid command, for example (see Isochrones Scripts for mode details):

isochrones_generate_magnitudes_grid  --rebinAges --M0 1e6 --filter_key VIS             -d  P04O1D1E1Y247_euclid -o Euclid_VIS_BastI_1e6.hdf5


isochrones_generate_magnitudes_grid  --rebinAges --M0 1e6 --filter_key VISmag   -o EuclidVISmag_CMD_1e6.pkl  CMD_Euclid.dat

By default the script uses a Kroupa IMF which is hardcoded in the script. It is possible to change the IMF by providing a file (using the --imf parameter) containing for example:

params = {}
params["Mmax"] = 50.
params["Mmin"] = 0.05
params["as"] = [0.7,-0.8,-1.7,-1.3]
params["ms"] = [0.08,0.5,1.0]

where as is the slope of the IMF in the mass intervals ms given is solar masses:

The output of isochrones_generate_magnitudes_grid is either a python pickle file or an hdf5 file which contains a 2D magnitude table and two vectors providing the binning in age and metallicity. Ages are provided in Myrs.

The pickle file can be read as:

import pickle
f = open(filename,"rb")
Mags = pickle.load(f)
binsAge = pickle.load(f)
binsMH  = pickle.load(f)

The script isochrones_plot_magnitudes_grid (see Isochrones Scripts for mode details) allows to plot the previously generated magnitudes grid:

isochrones_plot_magnitudes_grid EuclidVISmag_CMD_1e6.pkl

The info on the content of the hdf5 files can be obtained with:

isochrones_ssp_grid_info Euclid_VIS_BastI_1e6.hdf5

Check the content of isochrones_ssp_grid_info to see how to read this file format.

Generate a SSP luminosity grid

If the isocrhones tables provide a luminosity field (log of the luminosity) it is possible to generate a luminosity instead of a magnitude grid (note the --luminosity_key):

isochrones_generate_magnitudes_grid  --rebinAges --M0 1e6 --luminosity_key 'log(L/Lo)' -d P04O1D1E1Y247_euclid  -o BolLum_BastI_1e6.hdf5

If the output is stored as a pkl file, the table may be displayed with:

isochrones_plot_magnitudes_grid --luminosity Euclid_logL_CMD_1e6.pkl

SSP Grids

Single stellar population grids (SSP) are stored in the ``pNbody` directory


or on the user directory


Those tables can be re-created using the script:


Isochrones Scripts


usage: isochrones_plot [-h] [-o FILENAME] [-d DIRECTORY] [-f FILENAME]
                       [--Age FLOAT] [--MH ...] [--addMasses] [--x STRING]
                       [--y STRING] [--xmin FLOAT] [--xmax FLOAT]
                       [--ymin FLOAT] [--ymax FLOAT] [--invertx] [--inverty]

Display isochrones or colour magnitude diagrams

  -h, --help    show this help message and exit
  -o FILENAME   Name of the output file
  -d DIRECTORY  a directory (default=None)
  -f FILENAME   the name of isochrones database file
  --Age FLOAT   Isochrone Age
  --MH ...      [MH/H]
  --addMasses   Add masses
  --x STRING    x value
  --y STRING    y value
  --xmin FLOAT  xmin
  --xmax FLOAT  xmax
  --ymin FLOAT  ymin
  --ymax FLOAT  ymax
  --invertx     force invert x axis
  --inverty     force invert y axis
  --info        get info (list of keys) and exit.

isochrones_plot -d P04O1D1E1Y247 --info
isochrones_plot -d P04O1D1E1Y247 --Age 13000 --x logTe  --y 'log(L/Lo)'--invertx 
isochrones_plot -d P04O1D1E1Y247 --Age 13000 --x G_BP-G_RP  --y G --inverty 
isochrones_plot -d P04O1D1E1Y247 --Age 13000 --MH -2
isochrones_plot -d P04O1D1E1Y247 --Age 13000 --MH -2 -1 
isochrones_plot -d P04O1D1E1Y247 --Age 13000 --addMasses --MH -2 -1 
isochrones_plot -d P04O1D1E1Y247 --Age 13000 --x G_BP-G_RP --y G --inverty --xmin -1 --xmax 3 --ymin -5 --ymax 13 --MH -2

isochrones_plot -d MIST_v1.2_vvcrit0.0_UBVRIplus --info
isochrones_plot -d MIST_v1.2_vvcrit0.0_UBVRIplus --Age 13000 --x log_Teff  --y 'log_L' --invertx
isochrones_plot -d MIST_v1.2_vvcrit0.0_UBVRIplus --Age 13000 --x Gaia_BP_EDR3-Gaia_RP_EDR3 --y Gaia_G_EDR3 --inverty 

isochrones_plot -f CMD_Euclid.dat --info
isochrones_plot -f CMD_Euclid.dat --Age 13000 --x logTe  --y logL --invertx 
isochrones_plot -f CMD_Euclid.dat --Age 13000 --x Bluemag-Redmag  --y VISmag --inverty


usage: isochrones_py [-h] [-d DIRECTORY] [-f FILENAME]

Launch python with the MIST database loaded.
The database will then be accessible throught the DB variable.

  -h, --help    show this help message and exit
  -d DIRECTORY  a directory (default=None)
  -f FILENAME   the name of isochrones database file

isochrones_py -d P04O1D1E1Y247
isochrones_py -d MIST_v1.2_vvcrit0.0_UBVRIplus
isochrones_py -f CMD_Euclid.dat


usage: isochrones_generate_magnitudes_grid [-h] [-d DIRECTORY] [-f FILENAME]
                                           [-o OUTPUTFILENAME]
                                           [--filter_key STRING]
                                           [--luminosity_key STRING]
                                           [--interpolation_mode STRING]
                                           [--M0 FLOAT] [--rebinAges]
                                           [--seed INT] [--imf STRING]

Generate a grid of magnitude. The grid is a 2d matrix discretized in [M/H] and ages. 
It is actually stored as a pickle file.
The script takes as input either a MIST database or an ascii file from the CMD tool (http://stev.oapd.inaf.it/cmd/).
By default, the IMF is the Kroupa 2001 one. It can be changed to anything providing a parameter file containing
the IMF parametrisation:

params = {}
params["Mmax"] = 50.
params["Mmin"] = 0.05
params["as"] = [0.7,-0.8,-1.7,-1.3]
params["ms"] = [0.08,0.5,1.0]

where ``as`` is the slope of the IMF in the mass intervals ``ms`` given is solar masses.   

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d DIRECTORY          a directory (default=None)
  -f FILENAME           the name of isochrones database file
  -o OUTPUTFILENAME     Name of the output file
  --filter_key STRING   the filter key as stored in the database
  --luminosity_key STRING
                        the luminosity key as stored in the database
  --interpolation_mode STRING
                        the interpolation mode (nearest or lininterp)
  --M0 FLOAT            the mass of the stellar population assumed to compute
                        the magnitudes. Values lower than 1e6 may lead to
                        stochastic fluctuations
  --rebinAges           use an hard-coded binning
                        [10**(np.linspace(0.6,4.1,71))] for the ages and not
                        the binning provided by the database
  --seed INT            random seed
  --imf STRING          a file containing the IMF parameters
  --info                get info (list of keys) and exit.


For an ascii CMD file e.g. CMD_Euclid.dat:

isochrones_generate_magnitudes_grid  --rebinAges --M0 1e6 --filter_key VISmag  -f CMD_Euclid.dat -o EuclidVISmag_CMD_1e6.hdf5   
isochrones_generate_magnitudes_grid  --rebinAges --M0 1e6 --filter_key VISmag  -f CMD_Euclid.dat -o EuclidVISmag_CMD_1e6.hdf5   --imf imf.py
isochrones_generate_magnitudes_grid  --rebinAges --M0 1e6 --filter_key G       -d P04O1D1E1Y247  -o GAIA_G_BastI_1e6.hdf5
isochrones_generate_magnitudes_grid  --rebinAges --M0 1e6 --filter_key G  --luminosity_key 'log(L/Lo)'  -d P04O1D1E1Y247  -o GAIA_G_BastI_1e6.hdf5


usage: isochrones_plot_magnitudes_grid [-h] [--luminosity] [-o OUTPUTFILENAME]

From a given magnitude grid, plot the magnitude as a function of stellar masses, for each metallicity bin.
Magnitudes are normalized to 1e11 Msol.

positional arguments:
  FILENAME           file

  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  --luminosity       assume luminosities
  -o OUTPUTFILENAME  Name of the output file

isochrones_plot_magnitudes_grid HSTF475Xmag_CMD_1e6.pkl 
isochrones_plot_magnitudes_grid HSTF475Xmag_CMD_1e6.hdf5


usage: isochrones_ssp_grid_info [-h] FILE

Provide information on an SSP grid (works only with the hdf5 format)

positional arguments:
  FILE        one hdf5 file

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

isochrones_ssp_grid_info GAIA_G_BastI_1e6.hdf5

The IsochronesBlock class

class pNbody.Isochrones.main.IsochroneBlock(data=None, keys=None, MH=None, Age=None, Mmin=None, Mmax=None)

This class contains isochrone data, i.e., data for a list of stars of different masses, but with the same metallicity and age.


get the values corresponding to a key (a column)

The IsochronesGrid class

class pNbody.Isochrones.main.IsochronesGrid(dirname=None, default_keys=None, filename=None)

self.M is a numpy 2D matrix containing isochrones data (self.M[i,j]) for a given metallicity and age.

The Metallicity and Ages considered for the matrix is:

self.binsMH : in log10[M/H] self.binsAge : in Myr


Fill missing isochrones with the nearest one


check if the key key is the key list

get(Age, MH, Mass, key=None, mode='masslininterp')

For a given Age, MH, Mass, return the value given by the key key.

mode provides different ways of interpolating tables. masslininterp interpolates over masses and


determine the index for a given Age


determine the indexes bracketing a given Age


return the list of the keys


determine the index for a given MH


determine the indexes bracketing a given MH

getMassIndexes(Mass, i, j)

From i (Age) and j (MH), and Mass the mass, return the two indexes bracketing the mass.

getMaxStellarMass(Age, MH)

for a given Age and MH, get the maximal stellar mass

interpolateMassAndValue(Mass, i, j, key)

From i (Age) and j (MH), return the interpolated key for a given mass Mass


Create the self.M matrix from the isochrones blocks