the param module¶
- class pNbody.param.Params(filename, master)¶
- params = [[‘imwidth’,’image width’,’i’,512],
[‘imheight’,’image height’,’i’,384], [‘winwidth’,’window width’,’f’,50.], [‘winheight’,’window height’,’f’,37.5]]
- get(name)¶
return the value of a parameter
- get_dic()¶
return values of parameters in a dictionary
- get_string(name)¶
return the value of a parameter in a string
- get_type(name)¶
return the type of a parameter
- lists()¶
print the list of the content of the class
- save(filename=None)¶
[‘cd’, ‘cd’, ‘Float’, 0.0]
- set(name, value)¶
set the value of a parameter
- pNbody.param.read_ascii_value(value, tpe, name)¶
from a name and type, return an object corresponding to the value given
- pNbody.param.write_ascii_value(value, tpe, name)¶
from a name and type and value, return an ascii representation of the object