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Emission line galaxies without HeII

Conti (1991, his Table 3) lists a sample of emission line galaxies which have properties similar to WR galaxies, and where a search for HeII $\lambda$4686 emission (broad or narrow) has been made with negative results. For obvious reasons such a list is necessarily incomplete and the inclusion in such a list also strongly depends on the sensitivity (S/N, resolution etc.) of the data. We therefore renounce on such a compilation. However, few updates are appropriate on some objects from Table 3 of Conti (1991).

Mrk 1087 -- While 92 provide only an upper limit on HeII $\lambda$4686, a detection is provided in the recent spectra of Vaceli et al. (1997). No information on the width of this line is given. Retained as suspected WR galaxy.

Mrk 1094 -- We have retained the criteria of 85 and hence included this object in Table [Table 1]. No new observations published.

0833+652 = IRAS 08339+6517 -- From their spectrum Veilleux et al. conclude that no WR features are present in this galaxy (=0833+652 in Conti 1991).

Tol 2 = Tol 0957-278 -- Same comment as for Mrk 1094.

Tol 9 = Tol 1032-283 Although no broad HeII $\lambda$4686 feature seems present in this object (Kunth & Schild 1986) we list in the category of suspected WR galaxies based on the possible detection of other broad features shortward of 5876 Å (Kunth & Schild 1986).

Other objects for which an upper limit on broad WR features is given or where a non-detection is signaled are found in publications issued from the systematic searches discussed in Sect. 2.

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Thierry Contini