Mailing listes


  • aip-updates: Nouvelles hebdomadaires de l'American Institut of Physics (
  • assistants-obs: Assistants - doctorants en astrophysique (
  • astro-it-services: Diffusion d'information sur le système d'informatique du département d'Astronomie (
  • astroh-essc: ASTRO-H is a mission of JAXA to be launched in 2014 with NASA/ESA contributions (
  • astronomes: Astronomes et personnel scientifique (
  • astronomes-suisses: Liste des astronomes suisses (SSAA) (


  • calnet: Calibration Network du FP7 ELT-Prep (
  • cdr-cdl: Courbes de rotation d'astéroïdes (
  • cheops: projet CHEOPS au Département d'Astronomie (
  • cheops-science: Aspects scientifiques du projet CHEOPS au Département d'Astronomie
  • cheops-sgs: Science Ground Segment du projet CHEOPS au Département d'Astronomie
  • cheops-soc-affiliates: Affiliates of the CHEOPS Science Operations Centre
  • cheops-soc-dev: CHEOPS SOC software developers (
  • cheops-soc-geneva: The CHEOPS SOC team in Geneva (
  • cheops-soc-help: Helpdesk for the CHEOPS SOC (
  • cheops-soc-leaders: Top level WP leaders of the CHEOPS SOC (
  • cheops-soc-members: Members of the CHEOPS Science Operations Centre (
  • circulaires-iau: Circulaires IAU (
  • college-professeurs-obs: Collège des professeurs d'astrophysique (


  • dace-dev: DACE developers (
  • dace-science: DACE science (
  • dace-users: DACE users (


  • eas-aff: EAS Affiliated Societies (
  • espresso: membres du consortium du projet ESPRESSO (
  • espresso-management: Management board du projet ESPRESSO
  • espresso-sat: Science Advisory Team du projet ESPRESSO
  • espresso-science: Groupe scientifique ESPRESSO
  • euclid-ouphz: the Euclid photometric-redshift Organisation Unit (
  • euler-observateurs: Observateurs a La Silla (
  • exoplanetsewass2014: EWASS 2014 Symposium #2: The outer regions of extrasolar planetary systems (


  • fact-sw: FACT Software (
  • foot-obs: football-lunch de l'Observatoire (


  • gaia-ccb: CCB pour le projet Gaia à l'Observatoire (
  • gaia-help: Gaia Helpdesk
  • galcosmo: galcosmo mailing list (
  • gto-harps: HARPS Science Team (


  • harps: Liste des membres du projet HARPS (
  • harps-n: Liste générale du projet HARPS-N (
  • harps-n-collaborators: Collaborateurs externes du Science Team de HARPS-N
  • harps-n-management: Management du projet HARPS-N
  • harps-n-science: Science team du projet HARPS-N  (
  • harps-n-software: Software du projet HARPS-N  (


  • jobs-obs: Jobs of interest for astronomers and astrophysicists (


  • math-obs: les maths a l'Observatoire (


  • nasa-newsInformations NASA concernant les satellites astronomiques (


  • pat-obs: Personnel administratif et technique de l'Observatoire (
  • petites-planetes: Circulaires Petites Planètes (MPEC) (
  • planetseminar: Séminaires du vendredi (
  • psp-all: PRIMA Project mailing list (
  • psp-aos: PRIMA AOS mailing list (
  • psp-dawg: PRIMA Data Analysis Working Group
  • psp-ddl: PRIMA DDL mailing list (
  • psp-management: PRIMA Project Management
  • psp-science: PRIMA Science mailing list (


  • reception-obs: Réception de l'Observatoire (


  • t3: Imagerie systématique des astéroïdes en orbite cométaire (
  • t4-programme: Programmation scientifique du telescope Euler (
  • t4-support: Support technique T4 - La Silla (
  • t5-support: Support technique T5 - Canaries (


  • isdc: isdc mailing list
  • isdc-aar: Auto-Analysis-Result team
  • isdc-agn-int: INTEGRAL AGN distribution list
  • isdc-apluspresidents: isdc-apluspresidents mailing list
  • isdc-apluspressecrg: isdc-apluspressecrg mailing list
  • isdc-arc-dd-monit: Data distribution monitoring
  • isdc-arc-ingest-monit: Archive ingest monitoring
  • isdc-arc-w3br: W3Browse development
  • isdc-astro-h: Astro-H project at ISDC
  • isdc-cap: Membres du CAP Geneve
  • isdc-ccb: ISDC software development bug-tracking system
  • isdc-cluster-users: ISDC Cluster Users
  • isdc-cmt: ISDC Configuration management tools
  • isdc-coffeelist: Coffee drinkers at the ISDC
  • isdc-cons: ISDC Consortium
  • isdc-cons-meet-1: Consortium meeting mailing list
  • isdc-cons-meet-2: Consortium meeting mailing list
  • isdc-cta: ISDC CTA
  • isdc-eas: European Astronomical Society - Council members
  • isdc-ecogia: Local ISDC staff
  • isdc-ens: ENS group at ISDC
  • isdc-events: ISDC Events
  • isdc-fact-analysis: FACT data analysis mailing list
  • isdc-fermi-wiki: ISDC Fermi Wiki
  • isdc-for-mcb: ISDC Secretaries auxillary mailing list
  • isdc-gaia: GAIA project
  • isdc-gb-group: GB group distribution list
  • isdc-headcc: High Energy Astrophysics Data Center Coordinating Committee
  • isdc-heavens: ISDC Heavens
  • isdc-help: Support INTEGRAL Science Data Centre (ISDC)
  • isdc-ibas: IBAS instrument team
  • isdc-ibas-alerts: IBAS alerts distribution list
  • isdc-ibis-sw: People related to the development of IBIS S/W
  • isdc-int-coi: INTEGRAL CoI
  • isdc-integral: Membres du projet INTEGRAL a l'ISDC
  • isdc-itt: ISDC ITT mailing list
  • isdc-iug-esa-pis: Gathers PIs of INTEGRAL instruments, ESA project manager and head of INTEGRAL
  • isdc-jemx-sw: JEMX instrument team
  • isdc-jobs: jobs @ ISDC
  • isdc-lib: Dialogue concernant la gestion des logiciels l'ISDC
  • isdc-mr-out: ISDC mr-out mailing list
  • isdc-msc: ISDC MSC mailing list
  • isdc-omc-sw: OMC instrument team
  • isdc-ops: Liste de distributions à tous les opérateurs de l'ISDC
  • isdc-planck: PLANCK team
  • isdc-prov: ISDC PROV mailing list
  • isdc-publishing-results: ISDC Publishing High Level Results
  • isdc-rsdc: Integral Russian Science Data Center
  • isdc-sci: All the ISDC scientists
  • isdc-sci-duty: ISDC scientists-on-duty
  • isdc-sec: ISDC Secretariat
  • isdc-sgs: ISDC SGS maling list
  • isdc-shift: Toutes les personnes responsables pendant une révolution
  • isdc-staff: Locally employed ISDC staff
  • isdc-sw-support: ISDC software team
  • isdc-system-mgt: ISDC system team
  • isdc-system-monitoring: ISDC System Monitoring
  • isdc-thunderstorms: ISDC Thunderstorms
  • isdc-users: All the ISDC-related people
  • isdc-www: Responsables web de l'ISDC


  • loft-all: ESA LOFT project members
  • loft-background: ESA LOFT project background working group
  • loft-consortium: ESA LOFT project consortium
  • loft-coordination-team: ESA LOFT project coordination team
  • loft-dense-matter: dense matter for ESA's LOFT mission
  • loft-esa-science-team: science team for ESA's LOFT project
  • loft-ground-segment: ESA LOFT project ground segment
  • loft-lad-onboard-data: lad onboard data of ESA's LOFT mission
  • loft-lad-simulator: LOFT consortium members setting up the LOFT/LAD science simulator.
  • loft-lad-team: ESA LOFT project LAD team
  • loft-observatory-science: observatory science for ESA's LOFT mission
  • loft-org: LOFT, the Large Observatory For X-ray Timing, is a newly proposed space mission
  • loft-science-working-group: science working group for ESA's LOFT project
  • loft-sensors-team: ESA LOFT project LAD team
  • loft-strong-gravity: strong gravity for ESA's LOFT mission
  • loft-wfm-team: ESA LOFT project LAD team


  • sos-obs: Salades Ou Saucisses - SOS (petites anonces, évênements, etc...) (
  • starform: starform mailing list (
  • systeme-obs: Distribution des info locales concernant les OS, la securite informatique etc... (


  • yorbit-users: utilisateurs du programme yorbit (

List subscription:

  • Send an email to with subject "subscribe" or
  • Send an email to the list owner to be registered (similar lists have the same owner)


List removal:

  • Send an email to with subject "unsubscribe"



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For example, to unsubscribe from foot-obs:

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