-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ModbusTCP registers for Tx5xx/Tx6xx (T3511, T4511, T7511, T2514, T0510, T3510, T7510, T5540, T6540, T5541, T6541, T0610, T4611, T3610, T3611, T7610, T7611, T6640, T5640, T5545, T6545, T7613) standard ModbusTCP port: 502 v3.0 for firmware 1-5-7.x, 2016-04-11 ModbusTCP specification is free available: http://modbus.org/specs.php -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- List of Supported Modbus commands -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |-----------------------------------------|--------|---------------------------| | Command | Code | Description | | | [HEX] | | |-----------------------------------------|--------|---------------------------| | Read Holding Register(s) | 0x03 | Reads 16 bit register(s) | |-----------------------------------------|--------|---------------------------| Measured values -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |-----------------------|--------|--------|--------|---------------------------| | Variable | Adr. | Adr. | Type*) | Description | | | [HEX] | [DEC] | | | |-----------------------|--------|--------|--------|---------------------------| | temperature | 0x0031 | 49 | Int*10 | unit [°C] or [°F] | | | | | | | |-----------------------|--------|--------|--------|---------------------------| | reletive humidity | 0x0032 | 50 | Int*10 | unit [%RH] | | | | | | | |-----------------------|--------|--------|--------|---------------------------| | computed value (CV) | 0x0033 | 51 | Int*10 | units depends on computed | | | | | | value **) | |-----------------------|--------|--------|--------|---------------------------| | atmospheric pressure | 0x0034 | 52 | Int*X | units depends on selected | | or | | | | pressure units or device | | CO2 level (P/CO2) | | | | type ***) | |-----------------------|--------|--------|--------|---------------------------| |-----------------------|--------|--------|--------|---------------------------| | dew point temperature | 0x0035 | 53 | Int*10 | unit [°C] or [°F] | | | | | | | |-----------------------|--------|--------|--------|---------------------------| | absolute humidity | 0x0036 | 54 | Int*10 | unit [g/m^3] | | | | | | | |-----------------------|--------|--------|--------|---------------------------| | Specific humidity | 0x0037 | 55 | Int*10 | unit [g/kg] | | | | | | | |-----------------------|--------|--------|--------|---------------------------| | mixing ratio | 0x0038 | 56 | Int*10 | unit [g/kg] | | | | | | | |-----------------------|--------|--------|--------|---------------------------| | specific enthalpy | 0x0039 | 57 | Int*10 | unit [kJ/kg] | | | | | | | |-----------------------|--------|--------|--------|---------------------------| Device identification -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |-----------------------|--------|--------|--------|---------------------------| | Variable | Adr. | Adr. | Type*) | Description | | | [HEX] | [DEC] | | | |-----------------------|--------|--------|--------|---------------------------| | serial number high | 0x1035 | 4149 | BCD | unique serial number have | | serial number low | 0x1036 | 4150 | BCD | 8 digits | |-----------------------|--------|--------|--------|---------------------------| | device type | 0x1037 | 4151 | HEX | | |-----------------------|--------|--------|--------|---------------------------| Alarm status and limits -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |-----------------------|--------|--------|--------|---------------------------| | Variable | Adr. | Adr. | Type*) | Description | | | [HEX] | [DEC] | | | |-----------------------|--------|--------|--------|---------------------------| | temper. low limit | 0x5001 | 20481 | Int*10 | | | temper. high limit | 0x5002 | 20482 | Int*10 | | | humidity low limit | 0x5003 | 20483 | Int*10 | | | humidity high limit | 0x5004 | 20484 | Int*10 | | | CV low limit | 0x5005 | 20485 | Int*10 | | | CV high limit | 0x5006 | 20486 | Int*10 | | | temper. hysteresis | 0x5007 | 20487 | Int*10 | | | temper. time delay | 0x5008 | 20488 | DEC | Unit [s] | | humidity hysteresis | 0x5009 | 20489 | Int*10 | | | humidity time delay | 0x500A | 20490 | DEC | Unit [s] | | CV hysteresis | 0x500B | 20491 | Int*10 | | | CV time delay | 0x500C | 20492 | DEC | Unit [s] | | temepr. alarm status | 0x500D | 20493 | String | "hi", "lo", "no" | | humidity alarm status | 0x500E | 20494 | String | "hi", "lo", "no" | | CV alarm status | 0x500F | 20495 | String | "hi", "lo", "no" | | P/CO2 low limit | 0x5010 | 20496 | Int*X | | | P/CO2 high limit | 0x5011 | 20497 | Int*X | | | P/CO2 hysteresis | 0x5012 | 20498 | Int*X | | | P/CO2 alarm status | 0x5013 | 20499 | String | "hi", "lo", "no" | | P/CO2 time delay | 0x5014 | 20500 | DEC | Unit [s] | |-----------------------|--------|--------|--------|---------------------------| MinMax memory registers (new registers for fw 1-5-6-x) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |-----------------------|--------|--------|--------|---------------------------| | Variable | Adr. | Adr. | Type*) | Description | | | [HEX] | [DEC] | | | |-----------------------|--------|--------|--------|---------------------------| | temper. min value | 0x5015 | 20501 | Int*10 | | | temper. max value | 0x5016 | 20502 | Int*10 | | | humidity min value | 0x5017 | 20503 | Int*10 | | | humidity max value | 0x5018 | 20504 | Int*10 | | | CV min value | 0x5019 | 20505 | Int*10 | | | CV max value | 0x501A | 20506 | Int*10 | | | P/CO2 min value | 0x501B | 20507 | Int*X | | | P/CO2 min value | 0x501C | 20508 | Int*X | | |-----------------------|--------|--------|--------|---------------------------| Notice -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) Type: DEC ...... decadic number in range 0 - 4500 (16bit) BCD ...... register is in BCD format (16bit) HEX ...... number in HEX format (16bit) String ... two characters in one 16bit register: "no" ... none "hi" ... high alarm "lo" ... low alarm Int*10 ... register is in format integer*10 (16bit); 125=12.5°C; error1=9999, error2=-9999, n/a=-9998 Int*X .... register format depends on value type; error2=-9999, n/a=-9998 Atmospheric pressure ***): hPa ...... integer*10; 9760 = 976.0hPa PSI ...... integer*1000; 14156 = 14.156PSI inHg ..... integer*100; 2882 = 28.82inHg mBar ..... integer*10; 9761 = 976.1mBar oz/in2 ... integer*10; 2265 = 226.5oz/in2 mmHg ..... integer*10; 7321 = 732.1mmHg inH2O .... integer*10; 3919 = 391.9inH2O kPa ...... integer*100; 9761 = 97.61kPa CO2 level: ppm ...... integer; 897 = 897ppm **) Supported Computed values: Dew point temperature ... °C or °F Absolute humidity ....... g/m^3 Specific humidity ....... g/kg Mixing ratio ............ g/kg Specific enthalpy ....... kJ/kg