Exercice 2 - Weighting Galaxies and Clusters of Galaxies

There exist a large number of ways of estimating masses of objects at cosmological distances, such as galaxies and clusters of galaxies. All but one are indirect and model dependent. They rely on the measurement of the radial velocity of different parts of galaxies. We will review these methods, in a much simplified way, and see how another more recent method called gravitational lensing (the deviation of light by massive bodies) can be used as a model-independent way to carry out mass measurements. We will see that both methods are sensitive to dark matter, but gravitational lensing does not need to assume any prior knowledge on how this dark matter is distributed in galaxies to give precise mass measurements.

2.1 - Spiral galaxies and rotating disks

There are essentially two types of galaxies. Elliptical galaxies, that can be seen (at least to the zeroth order) as a “cloud of stars”, and spiral galaxies that include a rotating disk made of stars, dust and gas, and of a bulge that is comparable to a small elliptical galaxy. Both types of galaxies often harbour a central black hole that can be modeled as a point mass given its small size compared with the whole galaxy, and are thought to reside in a large halo of dark matter which precise shape has not been unveiled yet and which is often taken as spherical in most theoretical models of galaxies.

Spectrographs are used to measure the Doppler velocity shift, either along the long or small axis of the galaxy. This radial velocity measured at a distance r away from the center of the galaxy is called the rotation curve. It is related to the mass contained within a circle of radius r. Since the system is in equilibrium, the centrifugal force seen by a test particle of mass m at radius r is compensated by the centripetal force (i.e. the gravitational force):

m \frac{v_{circ}^2}{r} =   \| \vec{F}_{disk} + \vec{F}_{halo} + \vec{F}_{CM}\|

where the three forces involved are produced respectively by the disk, dark matter halo and central mass components of the galaxy. This circular velocity v_{circ} at distance r must be multiplied by the sinus of the inclination i of the spiral along the line of sight before any comparisons can be made with the observations (Doppler shifts measure only radial velocities). No measurements can be made of face-on galaxies since \sin i = 0 in that case.

v_r = v_{circ} \, \cos \left( \frac{\pi}{2} - i\right) = v_{circ} \, \sin i

The gravitational potential generated by the disk at distance r from the galaxy’s center can be expressed as:

\Phi_{disk} = -\frac{G \, M_{disk} }{\sqrt{r^2 + (a + |z|)^2}} \, + \, \textrm{cte} \simeq - \frac{G \, M_{disk} }{\sqrt{r^2 + a^2}} \, + \, \textrm{cte}

where M_{disk} is the total mass of the disk, a is its scale length, and z is its thickness. We can take z=0 to make things easier and since disks in spiral galaxies are very thin. G is the constant of gravitation.

The potential generated by the dark matter halo is expressed as a function of its mass density \rho_0 and its scale length r_0 :

\Phi_{halo} = 4 \pi G \, \rho_0 \, r_0^2 \, \left\{ \frac{1}{2} \ln\left[1 + \left(\frac{r}{r_0}\right)^2 \right] \,+\,\frac{r_0}{r} \arctan\left(\frac{r}{r_0}\right)\right\} \, + \, \textrm{cte}

Finally, the potential due to the central mass of the galaxy is given by:

\Phi_{CM} = - \frac{G \, M_{CM} }{r}\, + \, \textrm{cte}

The gravitational force can then be computed from \vec{F}= -m \vec{\nabla} \Phi. We will attempt to use this simple three-components model of the velocity curve of a spiral galaxy to weight it.

  1. First of all, orders of magnitude are necessary and we need to work out the correct units. Based on your knowledge of spiral galaxies, or through the web, try to estimate all the necessary parameters in the model. What are typical sizes for disks, and halos of galaxies ? What are their typical masses ? Estimate, even roughly, the density \rho_0 of a dark matter halo. Express r in \rm{kpc}, the velocity in \rm{km}\,\rm{s}^{-1}, masses in \rm{M}_{\odot} and mass densities in \rm{M}_{\odot}\,\rm{pc}^{-3}. The mass of the sun is \rm{M}_{\odot}=2 \cdot 10^{30}\,\rm{kg}, 1\,\rm{pc} = 3 \cdot 10^{16}\,\rm{m}, and \rm{G} = 6.67 \cdot 10^{-11}\,\rm{N}\,\rm{m}^2\,\rm{kg}^{-2}.

  2. We will now plot the velocity curve v_{circ} as a function of the distance r from the center. You can do all this directly in python, using matplotlib. Plot each of the three components separately for a set of parameters that spread a plausible range for real galaxies. Plot also the total velocity v_{circ}. This should help you define which component (disk, halo, or central mass) is responsible for the “flatness” of the rotation curve at large r.

  3. Looking at the image of UGC 111914 estimate roughly the inclination of the disk. Radial velocities have been measured in function of the distance r from the center. Plot the observed rotation curve of UGC 111914, and estimate all the model parameters, in order to match the data (knowing that UGC 111914 lies 16.9\,\rm{Mpc} away from us). Do not forget the inclination ! First you can simply use gradient descent optimiser such as scipy.optimize.curve_fit to find the best fit.

  4. Estimate your uncertainties on each model parameter. To do so, you can run a Markov-Chain Monte-Carlo with the emcee python package. You will have to introduce some priors on the model parameters and to define the likelihood function. You can complete the code provided with the data. Make sure that your chain has converged. Do you observe degeneracies between the model parameters ? Does this depend on your priors ?

  5. What are the masses involved ? You can compute them through numerical integration (scipy.integrate) of the mass densities, which are given by the Poisson’s law \nabla^2 \phi = 4 \pi G \, \rho. Remember the coordinates are not cartesian. What is the total mass of the galaxy in solar masses ? Approximate its error bars, by computing the total mass for the last 1000 samples of the chain.

2.2 - Elliptical galaxies as isothermal spheres

Elliptical galaxies are essentially composed of stars and contain very little quantities of gas and dust. Therefore they can be approximated as large clouds of stars. One can see such a system as a gas of particles, where each particle is a star, and where the interaction between the particle is described by the gravitational force. If this system is in a steady state, one gets, by applying statistical mechanics, the following expression (known as a statement of the virial theorem) :

2T + U = 0 \qquad \textrm{where} \qquad T=\frac{1}{2} M \langle \vec{v}^2 \rangle \qquad \qquad \textrm{and} \qquad U=-\frac{1}{2}\frac{G \, M^2}{r_g} \qquad

where T is the kinetic energy, U is the potential energy, \langle \vec{v}^2 \rangle is the mean-square speed of the system’s stars, M is the mass of the galaxy, and r_g is the gravitational radius. In many stellar systems, one can approximate r_g \simeq r_h /0.4, where r_h is the median radius, which is defined to be the radius within which lies half the system’s mass. We shall suppose that the considered galaxy has a nearly spherical symmetry and that the velocity distribution of the stars is gaussian, then we can express the mean-square speed in function of the radial velocity dispersion \sigma_r:

\langle \vec{v}^2 \rangle = \sigma^2 = \sigma_x^2 + \sigma_y^2 + \sigma_z^2 = 3 \, \sigma_r^2

Observations show that spectra of elliptical galaxies are very similar to those of red giant stars. And indeed, red giants are known to be the main contributors to the visible light in elliptical galaxies. An interesting point is that the observed absorption lines in the galaxy spectra appear broader than in the stellar spectra. This is simply explained by the fact that the stars are moving around within the galaxy, with velocities that follow a given velocity distribution. Because of this velocities and of the Doppler effect, one observes broadened absorption lines in the galaxy spectra. By examining to which extend these lines are broadened, one can estimate the velocity dispersion in the galaxy, and eventually the mass of the galaxy.

\rho(r) = \frac{\sigma_v^2}{2\pi G r^2}

  • Have a look at the spectrum S of the K0 III star and at the spectrum G of an elliptical galaxy. You can do this in python, using the module astropy (with the functions in astropy.io.fits) to read the FITS file as well as it’s header, and matplotlib to draw interactive plots. From the equation of the Doppler shift (\lambda - \lambda_0)/\lambda_0 =  v_r / c, one has:

    \frac{v_r}{c} =\frac{\textrm{d} \lambda}{\lambda}  = \textrm{d} \ln(\lambda)  = \ln(10) \, \textrm{d} \log(\lambda)

    This means that if you want to sample a spectrum linearly in velocity, you have to sample it in function of the logarithm of the wavelength. This is why the S and G spectra are sampled in \log \lambda. Identify the following important lines in the spectra:




    Ca, K band


    Ca, H band


    CH molecules, G band




    Mg band


    Na doublet



    Calculate the sampling of the spectra (i.e. 1 pixel = ? km/s).

  • If F(v_r) is the radial velocity distribution in the galaxy, one can express the observed galaxy spectrum as the convolution of the star spectrum with this velocity distribution:

    G(v_r) = F(v_r) \star S(v_r)

    Determine the radial velocity dispersion \sigma_r in the galaxy by supposing that the velocity distribution is gaussian. You can use the scipy.ndimage.filters package which has easy-to-use commands to convolve the stellar spectrum with a gaussian function, which \sigma is directly linked to the radial velocity dispersion \sigma_r (be careful with the units, scipy.ndimage.filters requires \sigma to be expressed in pixels).

    Try several values of \sigma to estimate which one gives the best match between G and F \star S. This could simply be done by computing G - (F \star S), and then examining the results. You can also think of even more advanced possibilities.

  • From the best-fit radial velocity dispersion estimate the mass of the galaxy (expressed in solar masses) if its gravitational radius is r_g=0.8\,\rm{kpc}.

2.3 - Galaxy clusters

One can weight a whole cluster of galaxies in a similar way than we did for the elliptical galaxy. Whereas, this time, we consider whole galaxies as our theoretical gas particles, in order to apply the virial theorem. Spectroscopy of the galaxies enables us to determine their mean radial velocities. For a cluster containing N galaxies, the radial velocity dispersion is then given by:

\sigma_r^2 = \frac{1}{N-1} \sum_{i=1}^{N} (v_{r,i} - \bar{v_r})^2

where \bar{v_r} is the mean radial velocity of the galaxies. From the radial velocity dispersion you can infer the mass of the cluster.

  • The redshift of an object is defined as z = (\lambda - \lambda_0) / \lambda_0. From the spectra of 20 galaxies of the galaxy cluster Abell 370, estimate the redshift of each galaxy, and then the mean redshift of the cluster.

  • Convert the redshifts into radial velocities. Determine the radial velocity dispersion and the mass of the cluster (r_g = 0.62\,\rm{Mpc}). Given the fact that the cluster contains approximately one hundred galaxies, what can you conclude about its mass?

  • The measured radial velocities are rather high. Is there any correction we should have thought about, when converting the redshifts into velocities? Or, equivalently, how should radial velocities be computed in a (large enough) comoving volume?