PhD Students
I had/have the pleasure to supervise/co-supervise the PhD thesis of several great students.
- Dr José Dias do Nascimento (PhD, 1999, University of Toulouse III, France)
- Presently Professor of Astronomy and Astrophysics at the Brazilian Federal University (DFTE / UFRN; Natal, Brazil) and Scholar at the Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
- Dr Ana Palacios (PhD, 2002, University of Toulouse III, France)
- Presently Astronomer (CNAP) at the Laboratoire Univers et Particules (LUPM; Montpellier, France)
- Dr Thibaut Decressin (PhD, 2007, University of Geneva, Switzerland)
- Dr Nadège Lagarde (PhD, 2012, University of Geneva, Switzerland)
- Presently Chargée de Recherche CNRS at the Institute UTINAM (Besançon, France)
- Dr William Chantereau (PhD, 2016, University of Geneva, Switzerland)
- Presently PostDoctoral Research Fellow at Liverpool John Moores University (Liverpool, UK)
- Dr Louis Amard (PhD, 2016, University of Geneva, Switzerland & University of Montpellier, France, co-advisor Dr A.Palacios)
- Presently PostDoc at the University of Exeter (Exeter, UK)
- Dr Yue Wang (PhD, 2017, University of Beijing, China, co-advisor Dr F.Primas, ESO Garching)
- Damien Gagnier (since Oct 2016, co-advisor Prof. M.Rieutord, IRAP, University of Toulouse, France, and University of Geneva)
- Thibaut Dumont (since Oct 2017, co-advisor Dr A.Palacios) “Globular Cluster Archeology in Light of State-of-the-Art Stellar Physics”