
My research activities concern mainly stellar evolution and nucleosynthesis, chemical and dynamical evolution of massive stellar clusters and galaxies, and planet habitability. I focus in particular on the impact of transport processes of angular momentum and of chemicals in stellar interiors on the stellar structure and on the chemical yields. I study the consequences of these aspects on surface chemical abundances, on stellar populations, on Big Bang nucleosynthesis, and on the chemical evolution of stellar clusters and galaxies. All these theoretical developments are strongly connected with observational projects on European and American facilities.

Stellar evolution (rotation, internal gravity waves, thermohaline mixing, magnetism)

Globular clusters

Planet habitability

Light elements

C.Charbonnel funded research projects
































” It is not because things are difficult that we dare not do them. It is because we dare not to do them that they are difficult.” Henri Gougeaud (translated from French)

” The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem. Do you understand?” Captain Jack Sparrow



