S+LEAF documentation#

S+LEAF is an open-source software that provides a flexible noise model with fast and scalable methods. It is largely inspired by the celerite / celerite2 model proposed by [1], [3]. In particular the modeling of gaussian processes is similar, and uses the same semiseparable matrices representation as celerite. S+LEAF extends the celerite model in several ways:

  • It allows to account for close to diagonal (LEAF) noises such as instrument calibration errors (see [2]).

  • It allows to model simulatenously several time series with the same Gaussian processes and their derivatives (see [4]).

  • It provides an efficient implementation of the FENRIR stellar activity model (see [5])

Please cite [2], [4], and/or [5] if you use S+LEAF in a publication.


Using conda#

The S+LEAF package can be installed using conda with the following command:

conda install -c conda-forge spleaf

Using pip#

It can also be installed using pip with:

pip install spleaf


S+LEAF covariance matrices are generated using the spleaf.cov.Cov class. The covariance matrix is modeled as the sum of different components (or terms), which split into two categories: noise terms and kernel terms (gaussian processes). See the API reference for a list of available terms.

The low level implementation of S+LEAF matrices as defined by [2] is available as the spleaf.Spleaf class, but one typically does not need to directly deal with it.


API Reference#






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