Modeling a Gaussian Process over heterogeneous time series ========================================================== We consider here a physical process, such as stellar activity modulated by stellar rotation, affecting several observables (3 here) differently (different amplitudes, lags, etc.). We will model this physical process through a Gaussian process and its derivative. In this model, each observable is a linear combination of the GP (:math:`G(t)`) and its derivative (:math:`G'(t)`): .. math:: y_{i}(t) = \alpha_i G(t) + \beta_i G'(t). We first generate the 3 time series with a quasiperiodic evolution and different lags: .. plot:: :context: close-figs import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt np.random.seed(0) # Settings P0 = 3.8 dP = 1.25 tmax = 20 amp = [3.0, 1.0, 0.33] phase = [0, np.pi / 2, -3*np.pi / 4] nt = [75, 100, 50] # True signal tsmooth = np.linspace(0, tmax, 2000) Psmooth = P0 + dP * (tsmooth / tmax - 1 / 2) Ysignal = [ ak * np.sin(2 * np.pi * tsmooth / Psmooth + pk) for ak, pk in zip(amp, phase) ] # Generate observations calendars T = [ np.sort( np.concatenate((np.random.uniform(0, tmax / 3, ntk // 2), np.random.uniform(2 * tmax / 3, tmax, (ntk + 1) // 2)))) for ntk in nt ] # Generate measurements with white noise Yerr = [np.random.uniform(0.5, 1.5, ntk) for ntk in nt] P = [P0 + dP * (tk / tmax - 1 / 2) for tk in T] Y = [ amp[k] * np.sin(2 * np.pi * T[k] / P[k] + phase[k]) + np.random.normal(0, Yerr[k]) for k in range(3) ] # Plot _, axs = plt.subplots(3, 1, sharex=True, figsize=(6, 10)) for k in range(3): ax = axs[k] ax.plot(tsmooth, Ysignal[k], 'r', label='truth') ax.errorbar(T[k], Y[k], Yerr[k], fmt='.', color='k', label='meas.') ax.set_ylabel(f'$y_{k}$') ax.set_xlabel('$t$') axs[0].legend() We now fit these data using S+LEAF: .. plot:: :context: close-figs from spleaf import cov, term from scipy.optimize import fmin_l_bfgs_b # Merge all 3 time series t_full, y_full, yerr_full, series_index = cov.merge_series(T, Y, Yerr) # Initialize the S+LEAF model C = cov.Cov(t_full, err=term.Error(yerr_full), GP=term.MultiSeriesKernel(term.SHOKernel(1.0, 5.0, 1.0), series_index, np.ones(3), np.ones(3))) # Fit the hyperparameters using the fmin_l_bfgs_b function from scipy.optimize. # List of parameters to fit param = C.param[1:] # The amplitude of the SHOKernel is fixed at 1 (not fitted), # since it would be degenerated with the amplitudes alpha, \beta. # Define the function to minimize def negloglike(x, y, C): C.set_param(x, param) nll = -C.loglike(y) # gradient nll_grad = -C.loglike_grad()[1][1:] return (nll, nll_grad) # Fit xbest, _, _ = fmin_l_bfgs_b(negloglike, C.get_param(param), args=(y_full, C)) # Use S+LEAF to predict the missing data C.set_param(xbest, param) _, axs = plt.subplots(3, 1, sharex=True, figsize=(6, 10)) for k in range(3): # Predict time series k C.kernel['GP'].set_conditional_coef(series_id=k) mu, var = C.conditional(y_full, tsmooth, calc_cov='diag') # Plot ax = axs[k] ax.plot(tsmooth, Ysignal[k], 'r', label='truth') ax.errorbar(T[k], Y[k], Yerr[k], fmt='.', color='k', label='meas.') ax.fill_between(tsmooth, mu - np.sqrt(var), mu + np.sqrt(var), color='g', alpha=0.5) ax.plot(tsmooth, mu, 'g', label='predict.') ax.set_ylabel(f'$y_{k}$') ax.set_xlabel('$t$') axs[0].legend() Thanks to the informations contained in the two first time series :math:`y_0` and :math:`y_1`, we obtain a good prediction for the third time series :math:`y_2`, even if the signal to noise ratio is low.