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Liste de erreurs midas

ERR_NORMAL   0   successful return status 
ERR_DSCNPR   1   descriptor not present 
ERR_SIMFIL   2   too many files opened simultaneously 
ERR_LOGFIL   3   problems with logfile 
ERR_OPSSYS   4   Operating system error 
ERR_DSKFUL   5   disk full 
ERR_FRMNAC   6   frame not accessible 
ERR_INPINV   7   input invalid 
ERR_CATOVF   8   overflow in general catalog 
ERR_DSCBAD   9   descriptor bad 
ERR_KEYBAD  10   keyword bad 
ERR_KEYOVL  11   overflow in keyword data area 
ERR_KEYOVN  12   overflow in keyword name table 
ERR_FILNAM  13   invalid syntax for file name  
ERR_FILBAD  14   file handling error 
ERR_CATBAD  15   bad catalog 
ERR_DSCOVF  16   descriptor data overflow ( > 32767) 
ERR_INSBAD  17   bad Midas installation 
ERR_FMTBAD  18   bad (not matching) binary data format 
ERR_VERNOR  19   unrecognized Midas file version 
ERR_TBLFUL  20   Table errors start at 20 
ERR_TBLMEM  21    error allocating dynamic mem. 
ERR_TBLMAP  22    error mapping the table 
ERR_TBLCOV  23    column overflow 
ERR_TBLENT  24    table not found wrong init. 
ERR_TBLCOL  25    wrong column number 
ERR_TBLROW  26    wrong row number 
ERR_TBLKEY  27    identifier not found 
ERR_TBLFMT  28    error in column format 
ERR_TBLIMP  29    not implemented 
ERR_TBLRFM  30    error reformatting table 
ERR_TBLDNM  31    duplicate table name 
ERR_TBLABL  32    illegal label 
ERR_TBLINI  33    error in table init 
ERR_TABVER  34    old VMS Midas table format 
ERR_CBYTES   -1   bytes per element are not exact 
ERR_ALRDON   -2   task already done - nothing to do 
ERR_NODATA   -3   no data available 
ERR_KEYTYP   -4   wrong type of keyword 
ERR_CATENT   -5   no entry in catalog 
ERR_MESOVF   -6	  overflow in error message stack 
ERR_BADLCK   -7   keyword is locked by another process 
ERR_KEYNPR   -8   keyword not present

Fri Apr 28 10:24:26 MET DST 2000