Chemistry in GEAR

This page described quickly the implementation of the chemistry in GEAR. This gives the user an overview of the routines that are used to run GEAR.

Setting the mass range

in chimie.c

For each stellar particle, we first find the min and max live time of a particle:

/* minimum live time for a given metallicity */
minlivetime = star_lifetime(StP[m].Metal[NELEMENTS-1],Cp->Mmax*SOLAR_MASS/All.UnitMass_in_g)*All.HubbleParam;

/* maximum live time for a given metallicity */
maxlivetime = star_lifetime(StP[m].Metal[NELEMENTS-1],Cp->Mmin*SOLAR_MASS/All.UnitMass_in_g)*All.HubbleParam;

where the function star_lifetime() has been used. Then, we compute t01 and t02, which bracket the time interval between the current age and the time during which the stellar particule was created.

Then, m1 and m2 are determined, corresponding to the mass of stars that end their life during the current time step.

m1 is either:

m1 = star_mass_from_age(StP[m].Metal[NELEMENTS-1],t02/All.HubbleParam)*All.HubbleParam;


m1 = Cp->Mmin*SOLAR_MASS/All.UnitMass_in_g*All.HubbleParam;

Similarly, m2 is either:

m2 = star_mass_from_age(StP[m].Metal[NELEMENTS-1],t01/All.HubbleParam)*All.HubbleParam;


m2 = Cp->Mmax*SOLAR_MASS/All.UnitMass_in_g*All.HubbleParam;

where we have used star_mass_from_age().

Computing the number of dying stars

Once we know that some stars may die during the current timestep, we need to compute the number of dying stars

The number(float) of SNIa is given by (SNIa_rate()):

NSNIa = SNIa_rate(m1/All.HubbleParam,m2/All.HubbleParam)*M0/All.HubbleParam;

The number(float) of SNII is given by (SNII_rate()):

NSNII = SNII_rate(m1/All.HubbleParam,m2/All.HubbleParam)*M0/All.HubbleParam;

The number(float) of dyning stars other than supernova is given by (DYIN_rate()):

NDYIN = DYIN_rate(m1/All.HubbleParam,m2/All.HubbleParam)*M0/All.HubbleParam;

Computing ejected mass and yields

The continuous case

In the continuous case (default case,``CHIMIE_MC_SUPERNOVAE`` is not used), we assume that the number of dying stars of each type is given by NSNII,``NSNIa``,``NDYIN``, even if these values are lower than 1. The ejected total mass, as well as the ejected mass of each element is computed using the function Total_mass_ejection():


This functions fill the array EjectedMass. This array is then copied to the variables containing the total gas mass and the mass ejected per element:

StP[m].TotalEjectedGasMass = EjectedMass[0]*All.HubbleParam;

for (k=0;k<NELEMENTS;k++)
  StP[m].TotalEjectedEltMass[k] = EjectedMass[k+2]*All.HubbleParam;

The discrete case

In the case where flag CHIMIE_MC_SUPERNOVAE is used, NSNIa, NSNII and NDYIN are rounded to integer values, according to some probabilities (Monte Carlo technique)

/* discretize SNIa */
fNSNIa = NSNIa-floor(NSNIa);
NSNIa  = floor(NSNIa);

if (get_Chimie_random_number(P[i].ID) < fNSNIa)
  NSNIa = NSNIa+1;

/* discretize SNII */
NSNII  = floor(NSNII);

if (get_Chimie_random_number(P[i].ID) < fNSNII)

/* discretize DYIN */
NDYIN  = floor(NDYIN);

if (get_Chimie_random_number(P[i].ID) < fNDYIN)

The total mass, as well as the ejected mass of each element is computed using the function Total_single_mass_ejection():


This functions fill the array SingleEjectedMass. This array is then copied to the variables containing the total gas mass and the mass ejected per element:

StP[m].TotalEjectedGasMass = SingleEjectedMass[0]*All.HubbleParam;

for (k=0;k<NELEMENTS;k++)
  StP[m].TotalEjectedEltMass[k] = SingleEjectedMass[k+2]*All.HubbleParam;

Computing ejected energy

Finally, the total ejected energy per mass unit is obtained by multiplying the number of SNIa and SNII by the assumed supernova energy:

StP[m].TotalEjectedEgySpec = All.ChimieSupernovaEnergy*  (NSNIa + NSNII) /StP[m].TotalEjectedGasMass;

Variables used for the ejection of mass and energy

The variables used for the ejection of mass and energy are:
