Scripts dedicated to movies

This is a collection of scripts usefull to manipulate gmov movies.

Create movies


Create a movie from a list of models.

Usage : mkgmov [option] output files
  Options: -h        -- this help message
  	   -p	     -- parameter file
	   -f	     -- g-parameter file
	   -s	     -- disable the softening of rsp
	   -c	     -- enable auto cd for each image
	   -z        -- convert time in redshift
	   -u        -- do not reload file
	   --fits    -- create fits output instead of .gmv film
	   --fitsdir -- directory where to save fits files
	   --info    -- give the optimal factor for each files in the list
           --help    -- this help message
           --version -- displays version


Create a movie from a list of models. This script should replace the previous one.


.. program-output:: gmkgmov -h

Display movies


Interactive tool used to display a movie.

Usage: gmov [options] file

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f, --fullscreen      fullscreen mode
  -a, --auto            automatically run the movie
  --nopalette           do not display the palette
  --nocontroll          do not display the controll pannel
  --notime              do not display the time
  -p  PALETTE NAME      palette name
  -z  INT               zoom factor
  -s  INT               speed
  -i                    read the whole film before displaying it (get info)
  --stepsize= INT       size of step
  --delay= FLOAT        delay before starting in auto mode
  --presentation        choose parameters for presentation
  --loop                loop on
  --rgb                 rgb mode
  -b  COLOR, --background= COLOR
                        palette name

Cut/Split/Merge, etc. movies


Extend a movie with other movies. All movies must have the same geometry.

Usage : addgmov -o outfilm film1 film2 ...
  Options: -h        -- this help message
	   -o	     -- name of the output
           --help    -- this help message
           --version -- displays version


Combine (superimpose) the images of two movies. The movies must have the same dimension and the same number of frames.

Usage : combinegmov -o output film1 film2
  Options: -h        -- this help message
	   -o	     -- name of the output
           --help    -- this help message
           --version -- displays version


Reduce the duration of a movie.

Usage : cutgmov -f filmin -o filmout --n1=n1 --n2=n2

  This function allows to cut a movie.

  Options: -h        -- this help message
           -f 	     -- name of the input
	   -o	     -- name of the output
  	   --n1	     -- number of the first frame
	   --n2	     -- number of the last frame
	   --info    -- give info on the film
           --help    -- this help message
           --version -- displays version


Give info on a movie.

Usage : infogmov -f film [options]

  This function gives info on a film

  Options: -h        -- this help message
           -f 	     -- name of the input
           --help    -- this help message
           --version -- displays version


Merge (geometrically) different movies.

Usage : mergegmov -o output --nh=nh --nv=nv film1 film2 ...
  Options: -h        -- this help message
	   -o	     -- name of the output
  	   --nh	     -- number of horizontal images
	   --nv	     -- number of vertical images
           --help    -- this help message
           --version -- displays version


Cut a movie (geometry) into different movies.

Usage : splitgmov -f input --nh=nh --nv=nv

  Options: -h        -- this help message
           -f	     -- input movie
  	   --nh	     -- number of horizontal images
	   --nv	     -- number of vertical images
           --help    -- this help message
           --version -- displays version


Superimpose two movies. The movies must have the same dimension and the same number of frames.

Usage : supgmov -o outfilm film1 film2 film3...
  Options: -h        -- this help message
	   -o	     -- name of the output
           --help    -- this help message
           --version -- displays version

movie conversion


Usage : gmov2gif -f file [options ...]
  Options: -h	     -- this help message
  	   -f	     -- input file
  	   -o	     -- output file
  	   -p	     -- name of a palette
  	   -z	     -- zoom factor
  	   -d	     -- pause between images (ms)
  	   -b        -- number of initial image
  	   -e        -- number of final image
  	   -s        -- number of images to leap
	   -l	     -- add the label (time)
	   -i        -- gives information on the film
	   -k	     -- keep temporary images
	   -t        -- add a text
  	   --version -- displays version


Usage: gmov2gmov [options] file

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  -o  FILE    output filename
  -s  INT     number of images to skip
  --rgb       rgb mode


Usage: gmov2gmova [options] file

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  -o  FILE    output filename
  --log= INT  log filter value (0-255)


Usage: gmov2mov [options] file

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -q QUALITY, --quality=QUALITY
                        quality 1,2,3,4,5
  -m MODE, --mode=MODE  image mode : L, P or RGB
  --rgb                 rgb mode
  -k, --keep            keep png images
  --only_film           make movie from dir dir, without reading a gmov film
  --info                give info on film
  --nofilm              do not create the film (extract image only)
  --with_time           add time label
                        time format
  --time_x=TIME_X       time relative position in x
  --time_y=TIME_Y       time relative position in y
  --text=TEXT           text
  --text_x=TEXT_X       text relative position in x
  --text_y=TEXT_Y       text relative position in y
                        text size
                        text font
  -o OUTPUTFILE         output file name
  --fps=FPS             frame per second
  --istart=ISTART       first number of frame
  -s STEP, --step=STEP  number of step to leep
  -i TINIT, --tinit=TINIT
                        initial time
  -f TFINAL, --tfinal=TFINAL
                        final time
  -z ZOOM, --zoom=ZOOM  zoom factor
  -p PALETTE, --palette=PALETTE
                        color palette
  -d DIR, --dir=DIR     directory for png files
                        text color
  --codec=CODEC         msmpeg4v2, mpeg4, x264
  --format=FORMAT       film format
  --ratio=RATIO         film ratio
  --bitrate=BITRATE     bitrate in k
  --pass=PASSES         number of pass


Usage : gmov2mpeg -f file [options ...]
  Options: -h	     -- this help message
  	   -f	     -- input file
  	   -o	     -- output file
  	   -p	     -- name of a palette
  	   -z	     -- zoom factor
  	   -d	     -- pause between images (ms)
  	   -b        -- number of initial image
  	   -e        -- number of final image
  	   -s        -- number of images to leap
	   -l	     -- add the label (time)
	   -i        -- gives information on the film
	   -k	     -- keep temporary images
	   -t        -- add a text
	   --cosmo   -- cosmoligical option
  	   --version -- displays version


.. program-output:: gmov2mpg -h


Usage : gmov2mpeg -f file [options ...]
  Options: -h	     -- this help message
  	   -f	     -- input file
  	   -o	     -- output directory
  	   -p	     -- name of a palette
  	   -z	     -- zoom factor
  	   -b        -- number of initial image
  	   -e        -- number of final image
  	   -s        -- number of images to leap
	   -l	     -- add the label (time)
	   -i        -- gives information on the film
	   -t        -- add a text
	   --cosmo   -- cosmoligical option
  	   --version -- displays version


Usage: gavi2mp4 [options] file

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  --fps=FPS   frame per seconds