pNbody configuration scripts

This is a collection of scripts used to check and to configure your pNbody environment


Usage: pNbody_checkall [options] file

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  -t  TYPE    type of the file
  -f  FILE    output file name
  -n  INT     number of particles


.. program-output:: pNbody_copy-defaultconfig -h

.. program-output:: pNbody-examples-copy -h


This is task 0 over 1


parameters in /home/revaz/.pNbody/defaultparameters

                          name                          meaning             value (type)
                           obs :                       observer = [[ 0.        0.       62.946125]
 [ 0.        0.       50.113276]
 [-1.        0.       62.946125]
 [ 0.        1.       62.946125]] (ArrayObs)
                            x0 :           position of observer =            None (List)
                            xp :             observing position =            None (List)
                         alpha :              angle of the head =            None (Float)
                          view :                           view =              xy (String)
                         r_obs :          dist. to the observer =   12.8328485489 (Float)
                          clip :                    clip planes = (6.29461265769, 629.461265769) (Tuple)
                           cut :                cut clip planes =              no (String)
                           eye :                name of the eye =            None (String)
                      dist_eye :          distance between eyes =             0.1 (Float)
                           foc :                          focal =             0.1 (Float)
                         persp :                    perspective =             off (String)
                         shape :             shape of the image =    (1024, 1024) (Tuple)
                        center :                physical center = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) (Tuple)
                          size :                   pysical size = (31.47306328845, 31.47306328845) (Tuple)
                          frsp :                           frsp =             0.0 (Float)
                         space :                          space =             pos (String)
                          mode :                           mode =               m (String)
                     rendering :                 rendering mode =             map (String)
                   filter_name :             name of the filter =            None (String)
                   filter_opts :                 filter options = [0.5, 0.5, 2, 2] (List)
                         scale :                          scale =             log (String)
                            cd :                             cd =             0.0 (Float)
                            mn :                             mn =             0.0 (Float)
                            mx :                             mx =             0.0 (Float)
                           l_n :               number of levels =              15 (Int)
                         l_min :                      min level =             0.0 (Float)
                         l_max :                      max level =             0.0 (Float)
                          l_kx :                           l_kx =              10 (Int)
                          l_ky :                           l_ky =              10 (Int)
                       l_color :                    level color =               0 (Int)
                       l_crush :               crush background =              no (String)
                      b_weight :                box line weight =               0 (Int)
                       b_xopts :                 x axis options =            None (Tuple)
                       b_yopts :                 y axis options =            None (Tuple)
                       b_color :                     line color =             255 (Int)
                         zfact :                    zoom factor =            0.75 (Float)
                       labsize :                     label size =   25216.5279714 (Float)

parameters in /home/revaz/.pNbody/unitsparameters

                          name                          meaning             value (type)
                            xi :         hydrogen mass fraction =            0.76 (Float)
                    ionisation :                ionisation flag =               0 (Int)
                    metalicity :               metalicity index =               0 (Int)
                          Nsph :        number of sph neighbors =              50 (Int)
                         gamma :                adiabatic index =   1.66666666667 (Float)
                   CoolingFile :                   Cooling file = /home/epfl/revaz/.pNbody/cooling_with_metals.dat (String)
                   HubbleParam :                    HubbleParam =             1.0 (Float)
              UnitLength_in_cm :               UnitLength in cm =       3.085e+21 (Float)
                 UnitMass_in_g :                  UnitMass in g =       1.989e+43 (Float)
      UnitVelocity_in_cm_per_s :       UnitVelocity in cm per s =        100000.0 (Float)


You are using the following paths

HOME               : /home/revaz
PNBODYPATH         : /home/revaz/local/local2023/soft/python-3.10/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/pNbody
CONFIGDIR          : /home/revaz/local/local2023/soft/python-3.10/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/pNbody/config

PARAMETERFILE      : /home/revaz/.pNbody/defaultparameters
UNITSPARAMETERFILE : /home/revaz/.pNbody/unitsparameters
PALETTEDIR         : /home/revaz/.pNbody/rgb_tables
PLUGINSDIR         : /home/revaz/.pNbody/plugins
OPTDIR             : /home/revaz/local/local2023/soft/python-3.10/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/pNbody/config/opt
FILTERSDIR         : /home/revaz/local/local2023/soft/python-3.10/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/pNbody/config/opt/filters
FORMATSDIR         : /home/revaz/local/local2023/soft/python-3.10/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/pNbody/config/formats
EXTENSIONSDIR      : /home/revaz/local/local2023/soft/python-3.10/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/pNbody/config/extensions
                   : /home/revaz/.pNbody/extensions