

gaussian_weight(delta, delta_mu, delta_sig)

Gaussian distribution of spots/faculae's latitudes.

symmetric_gaussian_weight(delta, delta_mu, ...)

Symmetric Gaussian distribution of spots/faculae's latitudes.


SpotsLatDist(nharm, ndelta, weight[, ...])

FENRIR model with spots/faculae appearing randomly on the star, with the spots' latitude following an arbitrary distribution.


FENRIR model interpolating the results of SpotsLatDist, to improve computational efficiency.

SpotsLatDistMag(nharm, ndelta, weight[, ...])

FENRIR model with spots/faculae appearing randomly on the star, with the spots' latitude following an arbitrary distribution, and including the effect of the magnetic cycle.


FENRIR model interpolating the results of SpotsLatDistMag, to improve computational efficiency.

SpotsSameLat(nharm[, brightening, normalized])

FENRIR model with spots/faculae appearing randomly on the star but always at the same latitude \(\delta\).