IAU Symposium 307: New windows on massive stars




Georges Meynet (Switzerland)
Cyril Georgy (UK)
José Groh (Switzerland)
Philippe Stee (France)


Cambridge University Press


The proceedings of the IAU Symposium 307 "New Windows on massive stars: asteroseismology, interferometry and spectropolarimetry" will be published both as hard back volumes and on-line.

In the contract between the IAU and CUP, it is stipulated that the Proceedings of an IAU Symposium will be published within six months after that Symposium. CUP needs three months for the publication process, leaving three months to the editors to complete their task. This requires that all authors have to deliver their completed manuscripts within four weeks after the end of the symposium.

Page limits:

Invited reviews have a limit of 9 pages, contributed talks of 5 pages and posters of 2 pages.

Manuscript submission:

The deadline for the manuscript submission is July 31, 2014. The latest stylefiles and instructions are available here. The template file (SampSymp.tex) has been adapted to IAUS 307 and should be used.
