Fourth Variable Star Working Group meeting

Place: Geneva Observatory, Switzerland.
Date: Wednesday 6 July 2005

Minutes of the meeting

(The full text of the minutes is given below.)
Section within minutes Direct link to presentation ppt or pdf file
General activities of the VSWG: Laurent Eyer presentation
Algorithms for GDAAS: Laurent Eyer presentation
Grid tests: Salim Ansari presentation
Grid results: Laurent Eyer presentation
Period Search Benchmarks: Laurent Eyer presentation
Instrument Stability and Variable Detection: Patricio Ortiz presentation
Automatic classification: Laurent Eyer presentation
Parallaxes of Long Period Variables: Carine Babusiaux presentation
Photometric trends from secular evolution: Nami Mowlavi presentation
PCA for variable detection using different passbands: Paul Bartholdi presentation
Nyquist frequency on irregular sampling: François Mignard presentation
FAMOUS: François Mignard presentation
Work breakdown for VSWG: Laurent Eyer presentation
Letter of Intent and Announcement of Opportunity: François Mignard presentation
Organization of the data processing: François Mignard presentation


The meeting was opened by Laurent Eyer at 9:30am and was followed by Prof. Gilbert Burki, the director of Geneva Observatory, who welcomed us. He said that the observatory was very interested in Gaia and that the Swiss Letter of Intent (LoI) had covered photometry and variability.

Laurent Eyer: General activities of the VSWG     Back to index

The presentation started by pointing out that the best place to get information was the web site A general description of what information was available was given and what recent changes had been made. The group has 45 members, of which half are active. The activities over the last six months were listed along with an organogram of a proposed data processing plan. This also showed some of the work/publications that people have carried out. A new tasks list was shown.

Laurent Eyer: Algorithms for GDAAS     Back to index

It was emphasized that the Gaia data reduction is a very big task. If we assume 1 second of processing per star this implies 30 years of CPU time. 100-200 Tbytes of data will be generated with a database of order 1-2 Pbytes.
The description of what is required from the variability processing is contained in GAIA-LL-044. At the Cambridge meeting in 2004 it was decided to concentrate on just using the G band for variability detection. In order to process the data efficiently and continuously throughout the mission it was decided to use cumulative formulations. The tests initially chosen were described.
Also a single period search algorithm was chosen (Lomb-Scargle) for the first tests to act as a benchmark that other period search methods could be compared against.
This software was ready by September 2004 and has been used in the GaiaGrid tests (see next presentations).

Salim Ansari: Grid tests     Back to index

The setting up of a test of Grid processing of variable star data was described. Although this was not the first Grid experiment (the first was with astrometric binaries), this was the first large-scale GaiaGrid test with 10 million stars.
It was decided that since this was a simple test, it was more efficient to do the simulations ourselves rather than go through the SWG. At the January SWG meeting in Leiden it was decided what was required. The simulated data generated by DE was described along with the Grid infrastructure.
The current idea is that if you have an algorithm you provide a machine so that it can be integrated easily into the Grid. To see the current algorithms you can go to
The data is prepared for the Grid by chopping it into sections so that it can be processed in parallel by the 38 nodes available. Using the workflow tool the logical order of the various tasks (reading in the data, followed by splitting and processing the data and then writing out the results) is set up. Note that the workflow tool only allows tasks that match to be placed next to each other.
The results and conclusions were presented. The time to process 100,000 stars was around 12 hours. Some certificate problems were encountered. Using flat files, rather than using a database management system, was found to be effective.
The next steps were listed. More details can be found in the paper GAIA-GRID-001.

DE - What percentage of processing time was used by the period search in comparison to variability detection?
   SA - This was not looked at.
   DE - Suggested that this is added to the paper as an appendix.

Laurent Eyer: Grid results     Back to index

This presentation is also part of the paper GAIA-GRID-001 and covered the variability tests. The principle of p-values were described with the main objective being to minimize false positives. However, they can also be used to adjust the error estimates. The current tests show that there are problems with the skewness and kurtosis p-value estimators.
Not much could be said about the period comparison due to the limited nature of the simulations, however they did show a problem with the eclipsing binary sample where the periods could be wrong by a factor of 2 or 3.

PB or GB? - Have any tests been carried out on multiperiodic variables?
   DE - This will be done in the future. Semi-regulars and irregulars are likely to be the majority of variables

Laurent Eyer: Period Search Benchmarks     Back to index

Many period search methods exist and a list of relevant publications was shown (this can also be seen on our web pages here). There is a need to compare these methods.
An email request went out on 18 April 2005 and a number of people have agreed to help. Mathias Beck will generate the simulations for this which were then described. A number of format issues were discussed. DP wanted a single file containing all stars and that there be no header just ID, time, magnitude and error ie. all lines are in the same format. This was agreed.

DP - a philosophical query - "Why are we discussing this?". This is supposed to be a blind test.
   It was generally thought that some open guidance was reasonable.
DE - Semi-regular variables will be missing from the simulations
    All - Agreed
PO - Perhaps MACHO data could be used (LE - or EROS data)
    Possible problems with gaps
LE - How do we simulate eclipsing binaries?
    AR - Suggested Arenou for possible code
    DP - Suggested Zwitter or Munari
        LE - He had already contacted these
DP - Will 5000 for each category be enough considering the variation of different types?
    5000 will be OK to start off with.
FM - pointed out that you won't have a true period for the Hipparcos data

There was no dissent regarding this plan :)

Patricio Ortiz: Instrument Stability and Variable Detection     Back to index

Variability detection is closely linked to instrumental stability. The variation in a flux measurement is a combination of the intrinsic variability of the object and that due to the instrument. If the flux of an object is constant then you can determine the variation of the instrument. Thus, you can use the mean behaviour to characterize the instrument, remove this variation and then determine the variability due to the object.

DE - There is a strong need to coordinate how the reductions are organized between CU3 and CU5 on this issue.
There followed some discussion on how cosmic rays might influence this process.

Laurent Eyer: Automatic classification     Back to index

Hipparcos, OGLE, MACHO, EROS and ASAS had no fully automatic global classification. Gaia will need full automation.
Recent studies were described. In Eyer & Blake (Bayesian classifier) there was about a 7% error. This may be acceptable for ASAS data but not Gaia.
For Self Organizing Maps see Vasily Belokurov's website, although an assessment of error levels is needed. Naud & Eyer have also done work on SOMs.
Work on Support Vector Machines was described (Willemsen & Eyer).
Future work was listed including the need for some benchmark tests on classification.

SA - Hipparcos had limited data - how do you add additional information (more photometry, RVS, parallax etc.)?
DP - Perhaps distinctions between variable types are not real and that there are not really 50 different types, but say 10.
PO - You will also get extra-galactic objects that are variable.
LE - The Fourier envelope characterization used in the SOM work will be affected by Gaia sampling.
   DE - Said he would initiate a study on this

Carine Babusiaux: Parallaxes of Long Period Variables     Back to index

Long period variables will be very difficult to observe with Gaia since (a) the colour corrections will be large and variable (b) they have large radii so will be resolved (c) they have profile asymmetries that vary with time so could affect the parallax measurements. Variability Induced Movers are a consequence of not accounting for (a).
The case of Betelgeuse was described. It has surface features, but its V-I of 2.3 shows no variation. The Hipparcos double star indicator gives a result that is higher than expected for its resolved radius. Could it be binary? Probably not. Showed that M2/M1 is a function of colour for very bright objects.
The relevance for Gaia is that photocentres will move, which will be a problem for parallax measurements if the timescale is around 1 year.

FM - Pointed out that there was not enough calibration at the very red end for Hipparcos
DE - This could also be a bright end problem for the Hipparcos calibrations
AR - Is this sort of thing needed in the simulations?
   The general feeling was that this was a level of detail that was not required at the moment

Nami Mowlavi: Photometric trends from secular evolution     Back to index

This presentation considered the possibility of detecting an evolutionary change in a star over the length of the mission. Two cases were described for the late phases of low mass stars.
AGB stars will change brightness by a factor of 2 over 300 years and thus could be observed. 1 in 200 AGB stars will be in this phase.
For Planetary Nebulae it is unclear if this would be detectable by Gaia. There is a change of 0.001 mag/year for MC=0.6M. Future work was described.

DP - Would we be able to detect colour evolution?

Paul Bartholdi: PCA for variable detection using different passbands     Back to index

A general description of the use of Principal Component Analysis was given. It was pointed out that not just the largest eigenvalue is useful - the smallest for example gives the intrinsic noise in the system.
The ratio R=νn1 will be useful for variability detection since it will be large if there is a correlation. A more stable and robust definition may be R=(νnn-1)/ (ν123).
It will also be possible to use the eigenvalue vectors as a function of wavelength as a variability classifier.

DE - Can this be done in a cumulative manner?
   LE said that it could

François Mignard: Nyquist frequency on irregular sampling     Back to index

We were reminded that with regular sampling aliasing occurs and that with random sampling you get no aliasing at all, but what about semi-regular sampling as with Hipparcos or Gaia? For irregular sampling, a set of conditions were presented for which if there is no solution, then there will be no aliasing. Thus for pseudo-regular sampling it is possible to do better than the minimum difference if there is no common factor in the intervals. For Gaia sampling we can get better than the smallest interval of 100 minutes and very small periods can be recovered.

DP - How far can it go? Will there be other peaks at higher frequencies?

François Mignard: FAMOUS     Back to index

Fourier analysis has been a standard method to analyse periodic signals for a long time and is well adapted to regular sampling, however aliasing is a problem. Assumptions are needed to remove the degeneracies. An advantage for regular sampling is that there are no spurious lines outside the true lines.
For irregular sampling there are many ghost lines, but no strong repeat patterns in frequency space.
FAMOUS uses a sinusoidal model to fit to the data with the amplitude coefficients being either constant or a time polynomial. Many features of the programme were described.
For a multi-periodic signal, once a frequency has been identified, you fit a model (non-linear least-squares) and remove it from the signal. This is then repeated. Any new line found in the residual signal is orthogonal to the previous lines - this gets rid of ghost lines and makes the detection of each new frequency easier.
The current version of the programme consists of 8000 lines of f90 code and can be configured by the user in some detail. Examples were shown and compared with the results from a standard FFT analysis. Also errors on the period and amplitude are generated by FAMOUS. An example of Gaia sampling was shown demonstrating the sequentially removing of lines.
Tests have been carried out on 2500 Hipparcos periodic variables (CPU time is 0.18s/star on a laptop - this has now been improved to 0.12s/star). Conclusions and future work were listed along with where you can download software (& simulator) -

PB - Why do you need a window function?

Laurent Eyer: Work breakdown for VSWG     Back to index

The work packages for the VSWG were listed. The importance of scientific participation was stressed and that Gaia should keep a scientific working group on variability - this point also applies to other working groups.
The LoI for Geneva was described. A concern was expressed that the responsibility will be too dispersed and that those who are really doing the work would not have much visibility.

François Mignard: LoI and AO     Back to index

A synthesis of the 162 LoIs was presented. The major coordinated answers were:
   Cambridge - photometry
   Cambridge & Geneva - Science Alerts
   ARI - First look, bright stars
   CNES - simulations, data analysis, system architecture
   Italy - quality control & validation
   International (coordinated by Meudon) - RVS
   SSWG - solar system objects
For variability there were 6 collective responses and 11 individual ones. The areas covered were detection, light curve analysis, period detection, classification, follow-up and science alerts. Areas not much covered were simulations and overall management. Some FTE statistics on the above were shown.

MG - What is the next step?
   FM - The answers will be given in the next talk.

François Mignard: Organization of the data processing     Back to index

This presentation gave information about decisions made by the GST and DACC concerning the data processing of the Gaia data. The size of the problem and nature of the challenge were described. It was pointed out that the data reductions will not be funded by ESA nor will they be organized by them. Obviously, the structure for the data reductions must be ready by launch time, so a hard deadline is in place.
The basic organization does not exist yet and it will not be based on the working group structure. Note that science will not be the primary activity in the data processing groups. The structure that will be devised must be simple, hierarchical and have non-overlapping responsibilities. Also the GST should retain control of the data processing.
The current hierarchical structure is: Data Analysis Consortium (DAC) - Coordinating Unit (CU) - Development Unit (DU) - Work Package (WP). Note that not every CU will have hardware, but they will be responsible for the end result. The CU concept was then described in further detail and the leaders & co-leaders of the provisional list given.
The DU concept was also described, but this is not as well defined as that for the CUs. Flowcharts for the data flow were shown.
When the DACC has worked out the structure it will then be replaced by the Data Analysis Consortium Executive (DACE). Note that the AO will be issued to formalize the structure and will not be competitive. This will happen early next year. The composition of the DACC was described.
The next steps in this process:
   The CUs make WP list
   Data flow constraints are analysed
   The CUs construct the DUs
   The next DACC meeting will be 6-7 October Heidelberg

DP - Classification is part of CU4, but a lot of variability analysis is classification. So is variability in CU4 or CU5? Where do you want it?
   DE&FM&CB - The responsibility lies with the DACC not the VSWG. DE suggested that he and LE send the VSWG WPs to DP and FvL to decide what to do. Then DP and FvL send proposals back to DE and LE so they can be checked to see if things have not fallen by the wayside. DE said that some of the VSWG work packages may remain with the VSWG since they are science based.

Laurent Eyer closed the meeting at 18:55.


SA - investigate the time split between period search and variability detection.

MB - generate simulations for period search benchmark tests.

Various - perform period search benchmark tests

DE - investigate how the Fourier envelope characterization used in the SOM work will be affected by Gaia sampling.

LE & DE - send the VSWG WP list to DP and Fvl for inclusion into the CU4 and CU5 plans.

Attendance and abbreviations

SA Salim Ansari
CB Carine Babusiaux
PB Paul Bartholdi
MB Mathias Beck
GB Gilbert Burki
Merieme Chadid
Marc Cherix
Francesca De Angeli
DE Dafydd Wyn Evans
LE Laurent Eyer
MG Michel Grenon
Philippe Mathias
Nami Mowlavi
FM François Mignard
PO Patricio Ortiz
Dimitri Pourbaix
Celine Reyle
Reiner Rohlfs
AR Annie Robin
Eric Slezak


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Minutes taken by Dafydd Wyn Evans 25 July 2005, slight modifications by L.Eyer, 30 August 2005